Proper Nutrition and Child Immunity: Expert Advice from Dr. Islam Al-Baroudi

Proper Nutrition and Child Immunity: Expert Advice from Dr. Islam Al-Baroudi

Amal Allam wrote Thursday, January 4, 2024 06:00 PM Dr. Islam Al-Baroudi, Pediatrics Consultant at Cairo University, revealed that proper nutrition must be linked to the child’s immunity, and it begins with the mother before birth, which determines the child’s future and mental abilities when he grows up, adding that intestinal bacteria are important in … Read more

‘Anaphylaxis’ severe allergic reaction Can die within half an hour.

‘Anaphylaxis’ severe allergic reaction  Can die within half an hour.

Key Points: “Severe allergic reaction” or Anaphylaxis is a symptom that occurs acutely in some “allergy” patients, even though they have not been directly exposed to the allergen. Because the immune system is more sensitive to those substances than normal. What makes anaphylaxis more dangerous than normal allergies is that More than one body system … Read more

Babies with Food Allergies Have Increased Risk of Developing Asthma, Finds Groundbreaking Study

Babies with Food Allergies Have Increased Risk of Developing Asthma, Finds Groundbreaking Study

[The Epoch Times, October 20, 2023](Epoch Times reporter Zhou Anzhu compiled and reported in Melbourne) A study led by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne found that even if babies with food allergies grow up, Without food allergies, they are nearly four times more likely to develop asthma than other children. This research result … Read more

The Link Between Gut Bacterial Imbalance and Allergies in Children: New Insights and Potential Prevention Strategies

The Link Between Gut Bacterial Imbalance and Allergies in Children: New Insights and Potential Prevention Strategies

Allergies with different diagnoses and symptoms have something in common at the cellular level Gut bacterial imbalance in 592 children diagnosed with allergies out of 1115 Antibiotics within the first year of life – Allergy ↑ Breastfeeding for the first 6 months – Allergy ↓ Many parents suffer from their children’s allergies. An allergy that … Read more