Worry! Unlawful loans can steal and monitor your location, verify your cellular phone now!

Worry!  Unlawful loans can steal and monitor your location, verify your cellular phone now!

Sunday, 2 June 2024 – 18:15 WIB Gadget – Within the digital age, on-line loans (pinjol) have change into a monetary resolution for many individuals. Nonetheless, behind its comfort, unlawful loans have hidden dangers, one in all which is monitoring buyer places. Is it true that unlawful loans can monitor our location? The reply, apparently … Read more

OJK Emphasizes Tightening Regulations for Collecting Online Loans and Credit Cards

OJK Emphasizes Tightening Regulations for Collecting Online Loans and Credit Cards

Jakarta – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) emphasized that tightening regulations for collecting online loans and credit cards is not only to protect customers. This rule also ensures that naughty customers will be dealt with firmly. Deputy Commissioner for Supervising the Behavior of Financial Services Business Actors and Consumer Protection, Sarjito, emphasized that the regulations … Read more

Central Java Regional Police on Hunt for Wanted Debt Collectors

Central Java Regional Police on Hunt for Wanted Debt Collectors

Semarang – The Central Java Regional Police (Jateng) revealed that there were still seven people debt collector who is on the wanted list (DPO) aka fugitive. One of them is the director of the service office debt collector. Reported detikJatengFriday (8/12/2023), the police had previously arrested eight people debt collector (DC). One of the DCs … Read more

Woman in Sukabumi City Kills Debt Collector and Throws Body into River

Woman in Sukabumi City Kills Debt Collector and Throws Body into River

Sukabumi – The woman with the initials PS (28), killed debt collector with the initials RS (35) in Sukabumi City, West Java (Jabar). Before the victim was thrown into the Cipelang River, the perpetrator had time to store the victim’s body. Reported detikJabar, the perpetrator, who was the victim’s customer, beat the victim and then … Read more

The Alarming Rise of Economic Insecurity: A Personal and Political Crisis

The Alarming Rise of Economic Insecurity: A Personal and Political Crisis

Since 2020, the richest 1% have captured nearly two-thirds of the new wealth produced in the world, almost twice as much as the remaining 99%. Early last year, just 10 billionaires – men – were estimated to have six times as much wealth as the world’s poorest 3 billion people. In the United States, more … Read more

Unscrupulous Debt Collectors in Jakarta Stripping Confiscated Motorbike Components

Unscrupulous Debt Collectors in Jakarta Stripping Confiscated Motorbike Components

Jakarta – Astra Financial confirmed that there were unscrupulous debt collectors who stripped down confiscated motorcycle components before handing them over to leasing. Although rare, this phenomenon is true. It is known, when credit payments are bad and there is no communication with the leasing party, the consumer’s motorbike will be confiscated by the debt … Read more

Rising Cases of Debt Collectors Withdrawing Vehicles, Here’s Leasing’s Response

Rising Cases of Debt Collectors Withdrawing Vehicles, Here’s Leasing’s Response

Jakarta – Recently, cases of forced withdrawal of vehicles by debt collectors have resurfaced. The reason for this forced retrieval is usually due to arrears in payment of the vehicle credit. Responding to this, Astra Financial Director Handoko Liem said, every year the number of cases of arrears in credit payments is quite high. According … Read more

Police Reveal Trigger Ojol Driver Noisy with Debt Collector in Bandung

Police Reveal Trigger Ojol Driver Noisy with Debt Collector in Bandung

Jakarta – A commotion ensued between the drivers ojek online (ojol) and debt collector in Bandung, West Java (West Java). The commotion was sparked when the debt collector took the ojol driver’s motorbike by force. The commotion occurred on Jalan Hegarmanah, Tuesday (7/3) evening. The commotion was sparked when a group of debt collectors withdrew … Read more

Driver Ojol fights with debt collector in Bandung, 5 people are arrested by the police

Driver Ojol fights with debt collector in Bandung, 5 people are arrested by the police

Jakarta – The police intervened due to a commotion between driver taxibike online (ojol) and debt collector in Hegarmanah, Bandung City. The police arrested five people in connection. “We have secured it, we have secured five people,” said Plt Wakapolrestabes Bandung AKBP Asep Pujiyono to reporters, reported detikjabarTuesday (7/3/2023). Asep said the commotion allegedly occurred … Read more

Can’t seize vehicles on the road

Can’t seize vehicles on the road

Jakarta – Polda Metro Jaya holding a discussion group forum with institutions related to the aftermath of the case debt collector who pulled the car Celebrity Clara Shinta resulted in members of Bhabinkamtibmas being snapped at. The forum was held to discuss work rules debt collector. Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Fadil Imran said the … Read more