China allocates about 9 billion dollars to contain the spread of the Corona virus

A statement of the Chinese Ministry of Finance posted on its website said the ministry and the National Health Commission had allocated 60.33 billion yuan (8.74 billion dollars) to help contain the outbreak of the Coronavirus. The number of deaths from the outbreak of the virus rose to 81 today, Monday, and the government extended … Read more

Mongolia closes universities and border crossings to stop the spread of the Coruna virus

Quoting a statement of the Council of Ministers, the official Mongolian news agency said that Mongolia closed all universities and educational institutions from Monday to March 2 to contain the spread of Corona virus that is sweeping China.. The agency also said that Mongolia closed the border crossings to the movement of cars and pedestrians … Read more

After the spread of the Coruna virus, learn about prophetic supplications immune from diseases and epidemics

Many people search for supplications immune from diseases and the epidemic, especially after warnings of the spread of the Corona virus around the world, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, called for the end of the epidemic to be taken from Madinah, and scholars have inferred that … Read more

Suspected of the first case of coronavirus in Israel .. and “the health of the occupation” is holding him

The Israeli newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” reported that an Israeli returning from China was detained in a hospital on suspicion of contracting the Corona virus, explaining that he was admitted to the “Sheba” hospital, on suspicion of contracting the dangerous virus, after returning from a trip from the Chinese capital Beijing For its part, the Israeli … Read more

Treatment of the first case of a female fatal infection with a SK virus from Wuhan, China

The Chinese National Health Commission announced the treatment of the first female infected with the deadly coronavirus, a 56-year-old Chinese woman, who has been living for a long time in Wuhan, east China, where the virus has spread fiercely. According to the committee, the patient’s temperature has not risen for a while Six days, so … Read more

Video .. Learn about ways to prevent corona virus and its dangerous symptoms

Dr. Nasser Al-Bahi, professor of primary organisms at Cairo University, said that one of the necessary advice to prevent corona virus is to wash hands well for a period of not less than 20 seconds, calling for the need to wash hands throughout the day in the same way, pointing during a phone call to … Read more

The Ministry of Health issues health monitoring cards for returnees from countries affected by the Coronavirus

Dr. Alaa Eid, Head of Preventive Medicine Sector at the Ministry of Health, revealed that the health monitoring cards will be released for each comer on a means of transportation from the country of China or the countries where corona virus infections appeared, with full data being written and recorded on the program for those … Read more

Corona virus raises gold prices worldwide to its highest levels

Subscribe to receive the most important news – – Gold prices witnessed a remarkable rise in the local market yesterday, driven by record highs in the global markets, due to the political instability internationally and regionally, and the emergence of the “Corona” virus in China and other countries. The Club Naguib, Secretary General of the … Read more