The price of coffee on both floors dropped sharply, the domestic market was “quiet”, what is happening?

The price of coffee on both floors dropped sharply, the domestic market was “quiet”, what is happening?

As noted, the price of coffee today on the world market decreased. Coffee price today (June 5) in the domestic market went sideways on a large scale. Accordingly, the highest transaction level in localities is 61,300 VND/kg… Coffee prices today 5/6: Domestic coffee goes sideways, prices on two floors go down at the beginning of … Read more

Coffee producers receive fertilizers to combat chigger and rust plague – El Sol de Córdoba

Coffee producers receive fertilizers to combat chigger and rust plague – El Sol de Córdoba

Córdoba, Ver.- More than 15 thousand coffee producers of the high mountain region have been benefited with low-cost fertilizer by the National Coffee Grower Movement, points out Alejandro Petrone Sanfilippo. He explains that accessing this input will allow the aromatic production is not affected in the 2022 – 2023 cycle of which there are good … Read more

How did the coffee producers in Córdoba fare in the 2021-2022 cycle? – The Sun of Cordoba

How did the coffee producers in Córdoba fare in the 2021-2022 cycle?  – The Sun of Cordoba

Córdoba, Ver.- Up to 25 percent increased coffee production in the central zone of the State during the cycle 2021 – 2022highlights Dionisio Osorio Aparicio, producer of aromatic and CEO of Café de Mi Rancho in Córdoba. He anticipates that for the 2022-2023 cycle, the production in the bush could continue to risesince the blooms … Read more

Coffee: Cargan reached a new all-time high in 2021

Coffee: Cargan reached a new all-time high in 2021

The coffee prices they continue to increase both locally and internationally. As indicated by the National Federation of Coffee Growers, this Monday the price of domestic cargo hit record highs and reached $ 1,997,000, making it the highest price this year. The previous maximum was registered last Friday when the price of the internal cargo … Read more

Use of pirated seeds in crops increased 25% and sales reach $ 1 billion a year

Use of pirated seeds in crops increased 25% and sales reach $ 1 billion a year

The use of pirated seeds in the production and commercialization of various crops in the country increased 25% in the first half of the year, which puts the production of certified seeds in check. According to the manager of the Colombian Association of Seeds and Biotechnology, Acosemillas, Leonardo Ariza, “in Colombia, in some crops, mainly … Read more

Aquaponics Technique Could Strengthen Food Safety And Protect Water

Aquaponics Technique Could Strengthen Food Safety And Protect Water

Aquaponics It is a technique that offers a sustainable system that can combine the characteristics of traditional aquaculture together with those of modern hydroponic culture. These two are fundamental elements that serve to be able to raise aquatic animals while growing plants. In the process Fish farming waste is generated from production and can accumulate … Read more

the challenge in milk production

the challenge in milk production

Agriculture, specifically the cultivation of pastures, is the fundamental basis of all livestock activity, however, many people in the sector still do not know its meaning, contribution and benefits to improve the production and quality of milk. Ranchers should have as a priority in their agenda to improve and condition their land with more and … Read more

Australian Embassy and Fedegan launch series of webinars to improve agriculture

Australian Embassy and Fedegan launch series of webinars to improve agriculture

From the second day of June, the Australian Embassy and Fedegan will host the ‘Australian Industry Innovations’ webinar series focused on agriculture and climate change. The broadcast is called “Australian Beef Cattle. Thegreenhouse gases. Carbon neutral, technologies and research ”, and has the objective of carrying out joint actions for the exchange of international technical … Read more

Chickens that listen to classical music tend to be healthier and more productive

Chickens that listen to classical music tend to be healthier and more productive

With live concerts and classical music 24 hours a day, the chickens live in the Le CouCou kennel. Sometimes they listen to Beethoven, other times to Mozart, but the truth is that they have sophisticated tastes, so much so that some go to VIP areas to enjoy the live shows even more. The above responds … Read more

In Antioquia there will be $ 500,000 million for loans in agriculture with a subsidized rate

In Antioquia there will be $ 500,000 million for loans in agriculture with a subsidized rate

Thanks to an alliance between the Secretariat of Agriculture of the department of Antioquia and the Agricultural Financing Fund (Finagro), as of today, $ 500,000 million is made available to small producers in the region for credits with a subsidized rate of 0.3%. In an interview with LR, the Secretary of Agriculture of Antioquia, Rodolfo … Read more