The Hidden Dangers of a Sore Throat: Identify and Treat the Symptoms

The Hidden Dangers of a Sore Throat: Identify and Treat the Symptoms

Check the symptoms of “sore throat” which is extremely painful and a nuisance in work and life. Doctors point out that “sore throat” is a symptom of many diseases. From many causes, the illness may be more serious than you think. “Sore throat” is a symptom that can be annoying. to the pain and suffering … Read more

The Alarming Rise of Lung Cancer Cases in Thailand

National Cancer Institute Statistics revealed at the end of 2022 that more than 40 Thai people died of lung cancer per day, which is quite a worrying number. Lung cancer patients in Thailand are also being found at a younger age, so one should not be complacent about the signs or risks. Because even though … Read more

Understanding and Treating Cough with Phlegm: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – One of the common types of cough is cough with phlegm. Coughing up phlegm occurs when a person has a cough while producing mucus or phlegm which can help clear and protect the respiratory tract. Collect Healthline, Cough with phlegm is a type of cough in which mucus or phlegm is produced … Read more