NASA Discovers Dinky Asteroid with Moon Near Jupiter: Binary Asteroid Pairs Investigation

NASA Discovers Dinky Asteroid with Moon Near Jupiter: Binary Asteroid Pairs Investigation – An asteroid is a celestial body in the form of small fragments that move around the sun. Meanwhile, Jupiter is the largest planet among the four gas giants and the largest in the Solar System with a diameter of 142,984 km (88,846 mi) at the equator. Most recently, the National Aeronautics and Space … Read more

NASA’s Discovery of Dinky Asteroid and its Moon near Jupiter: A Fascinating Binary Asteroid Pair

NASA’s Discovery of Dinky Asteroid and its Moon near Jupiter: A Fascinating Binary Asteroid Pair – An asteroid is a celestial body in the form of small fragments that move around the sun. Meanwhile, Jupiter is the largest planet among the four gas giants and the largest in the Solar System with a diameter of 142,984 km (88,846 mi) at the equator. Most recently, the National Aeronautics and Space … Read more

NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Discovers Binary Asteroid Pair Near Jupiter

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Lucy’s spaceship belongs to NASAwhich first launched in 2021 to explore asteroid Trojans that are trapped near Jupiterhas made an interesting discovery. The spacecraft discovered an asteroid, nicknamed Dinky, that actually has a smaller asteroid orbiting it, as reported by Scientific American. It’s basically a moon with its own moon. The technical … Read more