The Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Is Getting Bigger, NASA Calls The Area 24.8 Million Square Km

FLORIDA – NASA released new video of ozone hole growth above Antartika which is getting bigger on October 29th. The Antarctic ozone hole in 2021 reached its maximum area recorded on October 7 reaching a size of 9.6 million square miles or 24.8 million square kilometers, roughly the size of North America. Ozone is a … Read more

Forest Fires Ever Happened in Antarctica 75 Years Ago

Scientists find evidence of wildfires in Antarctica. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — New study finds Forest fires happened in Antartika 75 million years ago. At that time, dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth. During the late Cretaceous period (100 million to 66 million years ago), one of the warmest periods on Earth, James Ross Island in Antarctica … Read more

Antarctic Ice Core Keeps Traces of Forest Burning 700 Years Ago

Jakarta – Humans are considered to have a significant impact on the environment global and climate since the beginning of the industrial era in the 18th century. But recent research points to the unexpected contribution of humans in ancient times. Scientists analyzing Antarctic ice cores found an increase in the amount of black carbon from … Read more

Team Reveals Threat of Iceberg Release in Antarctica

Scientists reveal thinning of the ice melange could be a threat to Antarctica’s ice loss. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KALIFORNIA — Glaciologists at the University of California (UCI), Irvine and the US Space Agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA) examine the underlying dynamics iceberg release The Delaware-sized A68 of the Larsen C . ice sheet Antartika in July 2017. … Read more

The South Pole’s Ozone Hole is Bigger Than Antarctica

Illustration of Earth’s atmosphere. (pexels/Jaymantri) – European Space Agency (THIS) reveals the latest report on the size of the ozone hole above South Pole in 2021. According to ESA observations, the ozone hole above the South Pole is larger than Antartika in 2021. Ozone layer in the Earth’s atmosphere serves to protect the planet … Read more

7 Coldest Places in the World, Have Extreme Temperatures That Can Stab to the Bone, One of them is Inhabited by Humans Of the many places on this planet earth, there are certain places that cannot be inhabited by humans. This is because the human body’s resistance is unable to live in places that are too hot or cold. Reporting from NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration, the habitable zone is a planet that is not too hot, not … Read more

Not the Borealis, this is Aurora Australis from Outer Space

Jakarta – At the North Pole there is Aurora Borealis. Meanwhile, at the South Pole the natural phenomenon of light dancing in the night sky is named Aurora Australis. Aurora is a natural phenomenon that produces lights flashing and dancing in the night sky. Not everyone can see it, because this phenomenon can only be … Read more