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Symptoms of High Blood to Watch Out for

SULSELEKSPRES.COM – High blood pressure in the medical world known as hypertension is a condition when blood pressure is at a level that exceeds normal. Normally, blood pressure is 90-120 mmHg (systolic) and 60-80 mmHg (diastolic).

Systolic blood pressure is when the heart contracts or beats faster. Meanwhile, diastolic pressure is a condition when the heart is resting. The harder the heart works — as well as the resistance of the blood vessels — the greater the pressure of circulating blood against the arteries.

Hypertension is a common health problem, but many do not realize that this condition is very dangerous and is often referred to as a silent killer. The reason is, blood pressure that is too high can interfere with blood flow to and from the heart and brain. As a result, complications arise in the form of cardiovascular disease, namely heart disease and stroke which can be life threatening.

So what are the signs that you have high blood pressure? Unfortunately, sometimes high blood pressure doesn’t cause symptoms. Many people just know if he has hypertension when checking blood pressure with a measuring device.

It can take many years for a person to actually experience symptoms of high blood pressure, and by that time, what is most likely to be felt is the following:

1. Headache

The first symptom of hypertension is a headache. These are common symptoms of these health problems. However, a person may experience headaches only when their blood pressure is at the level of 180/110 mmHg or even higher.
Meanwhile, in cases of high blood pressure which is still classified as mild, these symptoms will usually not be felt. Headaches due to hypertension are also generally constant.

2. Dizziness

Apart from pain, dizziness is also a symptom of high blood pressure. Again, this usually occurs when the hypertension experienced is already in the severe category.

Headache or vertigo due to hypertension, if not treated immediately, can lead to stroke. Therefore, immediately consult a doctor if you experience severe headaches that almost cause consciousness to disappear, aka fainting.

3. Nosebleeds

A bleeding nose or what we usually know as a nosebleed is the next symptom of hypertension that you should be aware of. If you have a history of high blood pressure and then experience sudden nosebleeds, this could be a sign that the condition is getting worse, so you should get medical attention immediately before it gets worse.

4. Nausea and Vomiting

In addition to nosebleeds, nausea and vomiting that occur suddenly can also be a sign that high blood pressure is at a quite alarming level. However, don’t rush into panicking as this symptom is a common symptom that can be caused by other health conditions.

Nausea and vomiting, which are symptoms of high blood pressure, are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches. If this is what you experience, you should check with your doctor immediately before it’s too late.

5. Tingling

Increasing blood pressure will automatically slow down the rate of blood flow in the body. This condition then will also cause symptoms in the form of tingling.

In addition, high blood pressure is not impossible to cause damage to nerves that can lead to numbness or numbness. Immediately consult a doctor if you experience this one symptom.

6. There are Blood Spots on the Eyes

A blood spot in the eye (subconjunctival hemorrhage) is a common symptom experienced by people with diabetes or high blood pressure. However, the appearance of blood spots in the eyes and high blood pressure is not directly related.

The appearance of blood spots is due to damage to the optic nerve. However, damage to the optic beam can be caused by high blood pressure. That is why the two are said to have no direct relationship.

7. Chest Pain

High blood pressure that is classified as severe because it is not treated immediately can cause symptoms in the form of chest pain. The onset of this one symptom is due to obstruction of blood flow to and from the heart.

Immediately consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of chest pain, especially on the left, which have been going on for a long time and are getting higher in intensity. A medical examination will be carried out to determine whether this is related to heart problems due to hypertension or other health problems.

8. Body Tired Easily

The body that gets tired easily can also be a symptom of hypertension. However, the fatigue that whacks your body is not only related to this one health problem. Therefore, do not immediately panic and are advised to carry out a medical examination to confirm the condition.

9. Double vision

Patients with advanced hypertension may also experience symptoms known as diplopia. Diplopia is a condition in which you the object you see becomes multiple.

In addition, hypertension will also cause blurred vision. These symptoms will only appear when hypertension has reached a stage that is classified as severe.

10. Abnormal Heart Rate

High blood pressure will obstruct blood flow. This will make the heart have to work extra extra to pump blood around the body. As a result, you may experience something called palpitations. Palpitations is a condition when the heartbeat becomes abnormal because it beats faster than normal.

11. Confusion

The obstruction of blood flow to the brain due to high blood pressure will also more or less affect the performance of these organs. One of the possible effects is that it will be difficult to focus and easily confused. However, further medical examinations are needed to confirm this condition.

How to Overcome High Blood

High blood pressure is a health problem that should not be underestimated. So, what if you already have hypertension? If it’s still in the mild category, the way to deal with high blood pressure is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The reason is, most cases of hypertension are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

The implementation of a healthy lifestyle is as follows:

• Regular exercise
• Eating nutritious foods (fruit, vegetables, wheat, fish)
• Maintain an ideal weight
• Control stress well
• Enough sleep

Meanwhile, in the case of severe hypertension, in addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle, the doctor will also give you a number of drugs that help lower blood pressure. These drugs include:

• Beta-inhibitors
• Diuretics
• ACE Inhibitors
• Angiotensin II receptor inhibitor
• Alpha-2 agonists

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