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Supplementary Pension Concerns: Survey Shows Italians Worry About Future Financial Security

The spare pension it’s a worry for the future. The vast majority of Italians are aware that once they reach the age (and the quotas) for retiring, the public benefit (that which derives from the compulsory contributions paid during their working life) will not be sufficient – alone – to allow them to maintain the same standard of living as in the last years of work. According to a recent survey conducted by Research Dogma on behalf of Anima Sgr, 9 out of 10 Italians say they have thought about this problem and consider it “very” or “fairly” relevant. Furthermore, 60% believe that this challenge must be faced in time, at least before the age of 35. But the share of Italians who declare that they have activated some kind of supplementary pension solution stops at 54%.

The figure is even optimistic, if we compare it with the data provided by Covip, the Supervisory Commission on supplementary pensions, according to which there are around 10 million Italians who have some form of supplementary pension, from contractual pension funds to open pension funds , up to individual plans (the so-called Pips).

Requests to invest

Among the topics covered by the research are the priorities considered most important to encouragemembership of the supplementary pension scheme. In essence there are five requests: greater flexibility in accessing capital before retirement; a reduction in taxation on returns a larger additional contribution from the company; an adjustment of tax benefits to inflation; an increase in the maximum deductible from Irpef.

Despite the recent news on the positive trends in pension fund returns, many workers still prefer to keep the Tfr in the company. Not only. There is a widespread approach of caution, which sometimes turns out to be excessive. Especially for medium-long term investments, such as pension savings, it would be advisable to look at a slightly more pronounced risk horizon. Without exaggerating, but the equity component of pension funds is inevitable to ensure a return that is not below inflation and in any case capable of integrating the pension benefit deriving from the first pillar.

Little appetite for risk

The reserve pension should be built with a more attentive eye toinvestment. Yet, the survey shows an extremely prudent orientation: almost four out of 10 Italians – with significant percentages even among young people – would choose the guaranteed investment line or the most conservative of all, while only 15% would opt for a predominantly equity line or equity, despite the long-term time horizon generally suggesting – beyond the cases of individual investors – an asset allocation that also includes shares.

This caution is then particularly significant when analyzing gender data: only 9% of women are willing to sign up to a pension plan where the equity component is prevalent. The research data overlaps almost perfectly with reality, as does the Covip photographer. Less than 10% of pension fund subscribers are exposed tostock investmentthe only one that can guarantee services useful for not eroding the paid-up capital.

Inertia in the choice of pension funds, behavior not suited to performance objectives, are the result of a financial education – even in the social security education component – absolutely insufficient. There is a lot to do to raise awareness of the opportunities of supplementary pension provision. Information first and foremost, at school and in the company.

2024-02-16 08:42:00
#Spare #pension #alternative #INPS #Italians #prefer

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