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Summer Game Festival “mainly focused” on games that have been announced

Summer Game Fest promotions will focus ‘mainly’ on games that have already been announced and will only include ‘two new game announcements’.

Presenter Jeff Kelly shared the news on Twitter in an audio stream transcribed by Video game kronikin which he asked fans to “definitely manage your expectations” ahead of an E3-style event, featuring games from several developers and publishers.

“We had a few new game announcements on the show and hopefully some surprises if things continued,” said Keighley, “but this is definitely a show that focuses primarily on the stuff that gets announced.

“We did some great things for you, but of course managing your expectations in terms of the big spikes you expect. This is not a game prize. We have a lot of great stuff to show you, but shoppers beware some of the crazy buzz I’ve seen in things people expect to announce.”

Keighley insists that Summer Game Fest will still have a good announcement, of course, using the Elden Ring trailer and release date revealed last year as an example of how new information about an already announced game can be as exciting as something entirely new.

Keighley also confirmed that Dead Space’s spiritual successor, The Callisto Protocol, will appear alongside Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Gotham Knights, Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course, and Fortnite.

In addition to the Elden Ring release date, last year’s Summer Games Festival revealed Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, Metal Slug Tactics, Director’s Cut Death Stranding, and more.

This year’s release takes place on June 9 at 11:00 PST / 14:00 ET / 19:00 UK (until June 10 04:00 EST) and can be watched live on IGN as part of Summer of Gaming.

Ryan Dinsdale is a freelance translator at IGN who occasionally remembers @thelastdinsdale’s tweets. He would talk about The Witcher all day.

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