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Suitable for diabetics, hibiscus tea helps lower blood sugar


Hibiscus tea can help lower blood sugar in diabetics. Hibiscus tea is not only sour but also sweet, which is beneficial. Photo / Eat well

JAKARTA – You Hibiscus can help lower levels glycemia On diabetics . Teh Hibiscus not only offers a distinctive sour, but also sweet flavor that is beneficial for blood sugar.

Tea Advisory Panel chemist and researcher Dr Tim Bond explains that hibiscus tea can lower blood sugar through several mechanisms. Various polyphenolic compounds are found in hibiscus tea.

“Ferulic acid appears to reduce blood sugar by reducing insulin resistance and blood levels of pro-inflammatory compounds,” says Dr. Bond.

Other polyphenols in hibiscus can inhibit enzymes that break down carbohydrates, delaying the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose and lowering blood sugar.

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Additionally, this herbal tea can also reduce the risk of weight gain, which means it can also help reduce the chances of developing diabetes. Additionally, drinking this tea regularly for about a month can also be beneficial for high blood pressure.

Hypertension, also known as hypertension, can increase the risk of medical emergencies such as heart attack and stroke. Hibiscus tea’s ability to control hypertension is helpful because this condition tends to coexist with diabetes.

“Hibiscus tea was found to help lower blood pressure in a human study within one month,” explains Dr. Bond.

“The impact on blood glucose may be different but uncertain. Therefore, more research is needed,” he continued.

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While research into the time it takes for a drop in blood sugar to occur is still lacking. Research has shown that drinking hibiscus tea can reduce insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance refers to the fact that the body’s cells are unable to absorb glucose from the blood easily. Since this can lead to high blood sugar levels circulating in the blood, it is very important to reduce insulin resistance.


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