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Success Story of Alina Maria Varghese: Building an Enterprise with Minimal Investment in Mushroom Cultivation

# Alina Maria Varghese 29 July 2023, 02:58 PM IST Shaiji Thangachan

The economic and social growth that entrepreneurship brings to an individual and thereby to society is immense. Today, more women are entering entrepreneurship than in the past. Thus social and economic empowerment takes place in their areas. Although there is a desire in the heart to start a business, what deters many from it is the initial investment. Shaiji Thankachan, a native of Alappuzha, talks about building a great enterprise with minimal investment.

It was in 2007 that Shayji took a life-changing decision. With her children in higher classes, Shyji, a housewife, had plenty of time left over. The first thought was how to spend this time effectively. At that time, a class related to mushroom cultivation was coming near the house. When he came back after class, Shiji brought some mushroom seeds with him. Shaiji tested the lessons taught in class that day by placing six beds (a place where mushroom seeds are planted) on the balcony of the house. Fifteen beds were added after starting cultivation and getting a good yield. With that also being successful, up to 60 beds were planted in the same balcony and yielded well.

The extra mushrooms Shiji got were given to neighbors, friends and relatives. But in it a friend paid Shiji in return for the mushroom. With that, Shiji thought about the possibility of selling mushrooms. When he felt that he had learned a lot about mushroom cultivation, he prepared a shed next to the house and expanded the cultivation. 300 beds were put in the new shed. But unexpectedly 300 beds were damaged and completely destroyed. That experience changed Shiji’s perspective. Shaiji decided to stop farming altogether. But her children and husband said otherwise.

The advice of her children and husband that this failure would be the precursor to her mother’s success made Shaiji change her mind. Shiji decided to investigate the cause of his failure and learn from it. After destroying the damaged beds and disinfecting the shed, the first step was to visit the farms of similar farmers. They traveled all over Kerala for that. Shaiji received tips from each of the farmers. Those tips came in handy on the journey ahead. So, from where he had once failed, Shiiji mushroom cultivation resumed in the same shed. Excellent yield. At that time, when mushroom production was not widely accepted, it became a bit difficult to sell mushrooms.

Shyji’s mushroom farm is in Eramallur. Initially, people were reluctant to buy mushrooms because it was a rural area. When people think of mushroom, the first thing that comes to their mind is poisonous mushroom. So marketing was difficult in the beginning. But finding a market is not as difficult as it was 16 years ago in mushroom farming today, Shaiji says, even by creating a WhatsApp group to sell the produce. Today the mushrooms produced by Shyji are mainly sold in Lulu Supermarket, Shipyard’s Corporate Society and some other supermarkets. And there are direct buyers. Shaiji says that the product is also being sold through WhatsApp groups.

If it started with 6 beds, today Shaiji has grown the organization called Koonfresh to the extent that it can provide 9000 beds. Now they have about five small and big farms. Shyji says that mushrooms are a crop that is very dependent on climate, but today mushrooms can be supplied in all climates. The yield also varies in different climates. Production decreases during summer and production increases during monsoons. Therefore, it is difficult for small farmers to ensure regular production. Shaiji says that at present, Koonfresh has a high-tech shed, which ensures accurate yield. There are now two permanent workers at Shaiji’s mushroom farm. After retirement, her husband also went into agriculture with Shaiji. The son also helps his mother in the online business. Currently, Shaiji is providing mushroom seeds distribution to various parts of Kerala and consultation for construction of sheds required for farming.

Mushroom cultivation does not require hard work and continuous care as compared to other crops. Most of the work comes at the time of making the bed. He has to come to the farm twice every day to check on things. Like other crops, mushroom cultivation is one of the less stressful as it does not require care such as fertilizing and watering at regular intervals. Shaiji says that he usually devotes only an hour or two a day to mushroom cultivation. But if 100 people study, only 85 people continue it. Many people give up farming at the very beginning because there are too many damages. But Shaiji says that it is necessary to check why the damage is happening and find a solution.

Starting a business has changed a lot in life. Shaiji says the most important thing is being able to speak in front of people. Also mushroom is a crop that gives good income if there is no damage. Shaiji started mushroom cultivation with an investment of 250 rupees, including seeds and straw bed hangings. Today, Shaiji is subsidized and supported by the Department of Agriculture. Seed production and training are provided along with mushroom cultivation. Through this, Shaiji is able to ensure an income of more than one lakh rupees every month. Since the shelf life of mushrooms is short, they are now trying to process mushrooms and turn them into other products.

2023-07-29 09:28:51
#Starting #mushroom #farming #today #Shaijis #monthly #income #lakh

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