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Student memory tips: how you can improve your memory for studying

What superpower would any student like to have? We think a genius memory would definitely be one of the top 3 desirable abilities. After all, such a superpower would help you spend less time preparing for exams and still be able to study at the top of your class. The good news is that developing a student’s memory is quite a real task. And how to do it without taking a break from studying, we will tell you in this article.

A little theory: how our memory works 

How can I improve my memory in order to learn? To answer this question, let’s understand what memory is and how it works. Thanks to modern research, we know for a fact that memory has no clear place in the brain. Rather, it is a function of nerve cells that create connections between themselves as we learn new material or learn non-standard skills. Whether that connection is strong or dissolves over time depends on how hard one repeats information or trains a new skill.

What else do we know about memory?

That it is of two types: 

  • short-term; 
  • long-term. 

The first has a limited volume and cannot hold more than four or seven (depending on training) objects. Then the brain processes new information and transfers it to long-term memory where it can be stored for years. But what goes into this storage and remains there as a dead weight, and what is integrated into daily life, the brain decides during the long phase of sleep.

Recommendations for developing students’ memory

 So how can you improve your memory and brain function as a student? We have collected the right ways to effectively cope with this task.

Exercises to develop memory in students 

Effective memory exercises for students are quite simple but require constant practice. So allocate yourself at least five to ten minutes a day to practice. 

 Exercise “Four Details”

 In this exercise, you need to observe people, buildings, landscapes – any surrounding objects, highlight four unusual things, and remember them. For example, on the way to the university, look at passersby and note the peculiarities of their gait. This exercise not only trains your memory and attention but also helps you spend your time more engagingly.

Memory Palace

 This exercise is considered one of the most ancient. Its roots go back to ancient times to Socrates himself. With the help of this technique, you can memorize large amounts of information, complex terminology, and poems. How to do it: when memorizing a large text, imagine yourself in a familiar room. When memorizing information, move around the room and “leave” words and phrases along the way. All you have to do is mentally walk along the route to retrieve the material you’ve learned in the future.

Memorizing Poems

 A classic, but no less effective, exercise is to learn by heart the poems of your favorite poets. If you take this technique seriously, you’ll realize that our memory doesn’t always work the same way. In the beginning, it will be quite easy, but then your brain will start to stall and give up. After all, it’s very energy-consuming. But if you overcome a difficult period, a developed memory and good luggage of poetry will be your reward.

Developing memory during educational activities 

How to improve the memory of a student without interrupting the educational process? Here are some useful recommendations that will allow you to combine the pleasant with the useful. 

Learn new material using schemes

 It’s a well-known fact that we remember information better at the beginning and the end of education. Everything that falls in the middle often remains outside of our attention. To reduce this effect and increase the amount of information remembered, teach the material in small periods. For example, you can use the following scheme: Study for 30 minutes – rest for 5 minutes. This will help you not to get tired in the process of learning and remember more and better. 

Take notes during lectures

Who hasn’t struggled with sleep in a lecture? This super task often overshadows the issue of quality assimilation of the material, especially if the lecturer is not very engaging. You can help yourself by learning to take notes wisely. This will train your brain to highlight the main points, pay attention to additional examples, and you will be able to repeat the material faster while preparing for tests and exams, which will allow you to get rid of the thought of who will write my essay.

Readout loud 

The easiest way to improve your memory is to read your notes and study materials out loud. Surprisingly, a spoken text is better remembered. And if you also read with feeling, intelligence, order, and other artistic tricks, the result will be much higher. This method has another advantage, which cannot be avoided. Reading out loud improves a person’s diction, makes speech clear and beautiful. Of course, if you work hard at it.

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