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Strong warning from Hezbollah to Israel: It will drag it into the abyss

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah argued that if Israel makes a mistake that will cause a major war, it will be dragged into the abyss and perish.

Nasrallah’s speech on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon was broadcast on Al-Menar television. In his speech, Nasrallah responded to Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Aharon Khaliva’s statements that “Hezbollah is very close to making a mistake and this could trigger a regional war”.

“Do not miscalculate. The slightest mistake that will lead to a great war in the region will drag you to the abyss and destruction. Any great war encompasses all borders. We also have hundreds of thousands of fighters to fill the squares and fields,” Nasrallah said, adding that Israel is hiding behind walls and guns, is experiencing internal fragmentation, and is incapable of dictating its terms in any negotiations with the Palestinian people.

Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Aharon Haliva also said at a conference he attended on May 22 that Hezbollah was very close to making a mistake and that this could trigger a regional war.

Hezbollah held a military exercise on Sunday, May 21, in the city of Nabatiah, located in the south of Lebanon, close to the Israeli border. A large number of light and heavy weapons were used in the exercise, which was carried out in a mountainous area in the Er-Reyhan region of Nabatiye, where Hezbollah is active.

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