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Strache regrets resigning as FP boss

The Ibiza video was released almost a year ago. He tells the KURIER what his year was like, looks back and looks ahead.

“From a visual point of view, the video was, of course, a PR super GAU. Would I partially take back what I said? Of course. But imagine that you would be recorded for more than seven hours every time you were together on vacation. Would you do everything there on dot and dash like that? Certainly not “, says Strache.

When the video was released on Friday evening, May 17, 2019, it was a shock. Not just because of his career. He was also worried that his family might have been “spied on”.

Strache resigned the day after as Vice Chancellor. He would do that again today. But the resignation As a party leader, it was a mistake, “he says.” On the one hand, I underestimated how ex-combatants wanted to take advantage of this situation out of self-interest and self-interest, and on the other hand, the Machiavellian desire for the power of Sebastian Kurz and his ÖVP. “

In principle, the candidate for mayor of Vienna is not good to speak of on the turquoises. “A working and working well government had to make way for the desire for a turquoise sole government. And with the Greens that has now succeeded and obviously continues to succeed, “he says – the undertone is cynical.

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