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Story of the Principal of Surviving KKB Bullets in Puncak Papua

Jakarta – Junaedi Arung Sulele, Principal of SMPN 1 Beoga, Puncak Regency, Papua grateful that he survived the attack of live bullets by armed criminal groups (KKB) in Puncak Regency, Papua. Junaedi is a survivor and the only eye witness in the shooting case of Yonatan Renden (27). The teacher who was killed was shot by KKB.

“Praise God I still pass,” he said during Jonathan’s funeral, quoted from the written statement from the Nemangkawi Task Force, Saturday (10/4/2021).

Junaedi admitted that he did not see anyone at the time of the shooting. He and Yonatan ran, but in the opposite direction when they were showered with live bullets from the KKB firearms.

“During the shooting I did not see anyone. When the gunshot sounded, I ran to the right, Yonatan Renden to the left. The victim was hit twice in the chest but still had time to run, then collapsed,” said Junaedi.

He said that when the KKB shot him, he hid in a resident’s house. He only dared to come out of hiding when the TNI-Polri personnel who evacuated Jonathan’s body passed.

Junaedi said there were 11 migrant teachers in Puncak Regency, Papua. Now some of them have fled to the local Koramil.

“In total there are 11 migrant teachers, some of whom fled to the Koramil.” said Junaedi.

Junaedi said the local elementary school teacher who was also shot dead by KKB two days ago, namely Oktovianus Rayo, is a contract teacher who has taught children in Puncak Regency for 10 years. Meanwhile, Jonathan has only taught there for two years.

“The two victims are married. Oktavianus and his family live in Beoga, while Jonathan’s family is in his homeland, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi (Sulsel),” said Junaedi.

“They are the best teachers. They are from civil society, they have nothing to do with the TNI-Polri. Not many people want to survive in the interior, live with their families and survive there in the forest,” he continued.

Junaedi revealed that the two teachers who died had been educating children in the interior sincerely. Junaedi, who is also a migrant from Toraja, hopes that the TNI-Polri will continue to protect the people in Puncak, Papua.

“We ask the authorities to protect the community without exception, especially teachers who educate Papuan children. We really regret this incident,” said Junaedi.

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