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Stoltenberg on new measures before Christmas:

Never before has the infection been so high, and never before have so many corona patients been hospitalized as in December.

Although the challenging infection situation is due to the delta variant, FHI is particularly concerned that omikron will take over.

– At the moment, omicron is a major threat, because the spread of infection is so fast and many can get sick at the same time. Then we will have problems with running the health services and society, and it will hit the individual hard, says FHI director Camilla Stoltenberg.

Earlier this week, the risk report to FHI sounded the alarm that omikron in the worst case can lead to 200 admissions and 200,000 infected daily, if measures have no effect.

Stoltenberg says that they are uncertain about the figures in the report, but that modeling in Norway, Denmark and the United Kingdom points to the same development.

– The graphs go straight up. Giving an exact number is difficult, but there is no doubt that many will be infected, she says.

Do not plan new measures now

Night to Wednesday it was introduced a number of new measures in Norway, including a national bar stop and a recommendation for as few close contacts as possible.

While some believe the measures are too mild, others mourn what they are experiencing is a new shutdown.

FHI says that the situation is very uncertain and that they are continuously assessing the need for new measures.

– We are always considering several measures, of course in this situation. We must have the plans ready for what is needed if there is a need for even more measures, says Stoltenberg.

At the same time, she brings good news to anyone who worries that further austerity will put an end to the Christmas celebration.

– Will there be new measures before Christmas?

– Not according to plan, but we can not rule out anything. Here the changes happen so quickly, says Stoltenberg.

She points out that the virus variant is highly contagious and is estimated to double the number of cases every two or three days.

– It’s extremely fast. Therefore, we do not know how it will develop, but there are no plans to introduce new measures before Christmas, she says.

MEASURES: Camilla Stoltenberg emphasizes that how good Norwegians are at following the measures will be decisive for the situation in the future. Photo: Aage Aune / TV 2

Will make adjustments

First and foremost, the health authorities want to see the effect of the measures that have already been introduced.

– We have to wait and see if the measures work. All rules and recommendations depend on people’s own efforts and what people actually do. We will see as few as possible and only choose a few close contacts. Being unsocial in a period like this is demanding, says Stoltenberg.

Although it is not currently planned to introduce new measures, the director believes that we must be prepared for adjustments.

– We must be open to adjustments to the measures, as we see that they do not always work in practice.

Stoltenberg points out, among other things, that the schools in Oslo Municipality saw itself forced to introduce home schooling due to infection situation.

– Assessment of measures is needed all the way, and adjustment of measures will be needed.

A possible hope

Stoltenberg believes the situation is serious, but is also concerned with conveying that there may be bright spots.

– We are in a very special situation with such an infectious variant, but there can also be some bright spots. It can be hoped that this is a variant that does not often cause serious illness. If the risk for each individual turns out to be lower, it is very good news, says the director.

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