Home » today » Health » Stichting Sick Happy in memory of Ruud ten Wolde officially launched

Stichting Sick Happy in memory of Ruud ten Wolde officially launched

Stichting Ziek Geluk, made up of Ruud’s family, his friends and his beloved Jeannot, was born from Ruud’s ideas. Despite his illness, he may be happy with his positive mindset. Over the past year, the foundation has already worked in an exclusive partnership with Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital to help cancer patients with tailor-made mental care.

The Ill Happy project has now produced a reporting system that allows an internal oncologist or nurse to see if a patient needs additional mental help. A group of (former) patients is also currently being interviewed to identify needs. How can the hospital better meet their needs? What improves mental health? Is there a tailor-made solution for each patient?

For more information, go to the Stichting Sick Happy website.

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