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State of the Union Speech: Trump’s Jackpot – and Pelosis’ Revenge

In addition to a booming economy US military the most powerful in the world, the borders are secure, the country’s values ​​have been renewed and its pride restored. Trump delivered the speech shortly before the end of the impeachment, which should end with an acquittal this Wednesday. From 10:00 p.m. CET, the Senate wants to decide on the two charges of the House of Representatives – abuse of power and hindrance to the Congress investigation.

Trump broached the issue impeachment not directly in his speech. The only victories that counted were victories that were useful to the American people, he said only.

Trump made multiple appeals to Congress. For example, he called on parliament to ban late abortions by law. “We all have to agree that every human life is a holy gift from God,” Trump said. In the past, Trump had advocated leaving the decision to terminate the pregnancy to women. Trump changed his stance during the 2016 election campaign, saying he was committed to protecting unborn life.

Trump also called on Congress to fund a new American lunar mission on the way to Mars. This would have to ensure that the United States would become the first nation to “hoist its flag on Mars”. Trump said in a speech in Congress a year ago, “This year, American astronauts will return to space in American missiles.” He has not fulfilled this promise since then.

Overall, Trump focused on US issues – he only touched on foreign policy issues. So he put that Iran economic recovery in prospect – in case the government in Tehran give up and stop “striving for nuclear weapons,”terror“Death and Destruction”. He again defended the killing of the top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani beginning January after which the conflict with the Iran had escalated dangerously.

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