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Sports But Still Smoking? Turns out this is the impact on physical conditions

NOVA.id – The Covid-19 pandemic encourages us to adopt a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by exercising to maintain fitness and increase body immunity.

Even though you have regularly exercised, sometimes habits that can pose a risk to health are still difficult to leave, one of which is smoking.

What are the risks of smoking to our bodies? Check out the explanations of health experts below to better understand the impact of smoking on physical conditions.

Decreased Body Endurance

As reported by the official Cleveland Clinic website, smoking affects many aspects of the body, including physical endurance. If you smoke, you get less oxygen for your heart, lungs and muscles, reducing your fitness.

Carbon monoxide contained in cigarette smoke binds red blood cells so that oxygen that should be distributed to the heart, lungs, muscles, and other body tissues cannot be channeled optimally.

This condition causes an increase in lactic acid, a substance that causes muscles to feel tired, breathe harder, and increase pain after exercise.

“Decreased oxygen reduces your physical endurance making it more difficult to exercise properly. This condition also makes it difficult for you to carry out daily activities such as climbing stairs, explains the Cleveland Clinic website.

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High Heart Rate

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