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Sport and culture – The Greens in the Ebersberg district

Like the extensive club life, Green List Kirchseeon also welcomes the wide range of sports on offer in our community. Sport, whether organized in society or practiced privately, has important health, developmental and social functions.

Sport promotion does not only apply to club sport. Even the citizens of the community who are not organized in a club must have the opportunity to carry out their leisure sports activities. Existing municipal structures should therefore be made accessible and usable to all citizens (e.g. clay park, soccer field).

We warmly welcome voluntary and community commitment to our pool. Whatever the development of the entire district will be, we set ourselves the task of maintaining a close and socially acceptable offer.

We also have a wide range of cultural events in Kirchseeon. Whether it’s the Perchten, witches or choirs, they don’t just attract long-time residents of Kirchseeon to their events. These associations also deserve our support, as they represent a great enrichment of community life: with a community center (see point on citizens’ engagement), the community can, among other things, provide a home for these cultural operators.

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