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Spain takes to the streets to conspire against sexist violence | Society

At 22:00 this Friday night, rallies called by the feminist movement have started (usually because in some areas it has been before). in front of the town councils of towns and cities throughout Spain as a result of the recent sexist murders and the discovery of the body of little Olivia on the Canary coast.

“We are going to throw it away”, “not one less”, “if they touch one of us, they touch us all” are the slogans of this “emergency call” that was launched after he was found at the bottom of the sea the body of the 6-year-old girl kidnapped by her father and the knowledge of the murder of a 17-year-old girl in Martín de la Jara (Seville) at the hands of her ex-partner.

In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, a city that is mourning the death of Olivia, a a concentration in which they have been able to read posters with messages such as “an abuser is not a father”. Hundreds of people in the Canary Islands have attended the different calls, and the streets have been filled with banners and protests. Nor is it “an isolated event”, but rather a sample of the most “terrifying” violence, said Ana Hernández, spokesperson for the 8M Platform.

Two girls participate in the rally this afternoon in Santa Cruz de Tenerife against sexist violence. / CHAIN ​​SER

In the capital of the country, in Madrid, hundreds of women have also gathered to condemn sexist violence. At Puerta del Sol all have joined together to shout the same message to the sky with protests such as “if they touch one of us, we all answer” or “listen, sister, here is your pack. ”

Concentrations in Barcelona, ​​Granada, Toledo, Murcia …

Some 600 people, according to the Guardia Urbana, have concentrated the night in Plaça Sant Jaume in Barcelona against sexist murders. At the protest, with a banner in front with the message ‘Enough of sexist violence and repression’, slogans such as ‘No es no’ and ‘Long live the feminist struggle’ have been chanted.

About 300 people have concentrated in Granada in the central Plaza del Carmen, at the gates of the City Hall, with a banner with the slogan “Against sexist violence against women and minors”, and shouting “not one less, long live we want” or “the judicial system is sexist and patriarchal “. Another 300 have mobilized in Toledo.

Or for example, in the Region of Murcia, in Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca, there have also been concentrations throughout the afternoon and night. ANDl Moviment Feminista de Mallorca has requested in several simultaneous rallies zero tolerance against sexist violence, being in Palma de Mallorca at 9:00 p.m. in the Plaza de Cort.

1,095 women have died from sexist violence since 2003

Since the end of the alarm state, a rebound in femicides: The Government Delegation against Gender Violence has confirmed the sexist nature of the murders of nine women and one minor, more than half of all the murders perpetrated in 2021.

So far this year, 17 women and two minors have been murdered in gender crimes. 1,095 women have been fatal victims of sexist violence in the sphere of the couple since 2003 and 39 minors murdered by their fathers or their mothers’ partners or ex-partners since 2013. These statistics still do not include little Olivia or the minor under 17 years murdered in Seville, Rocío Caíz.

The 016 serves all victims of sexist violence 24 hours a day and in 52 different languages, as well as the email [email protected]. Attention is also paid through WhatsApp through the number 600000016.

The Government expects a rebound in sexist violence this summer

The Government delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell, has indicated that it is foreseeable that the rise in sexist violence will continue and has asked all municipalities, autonomous communities and women’s groups to be alert and vigilant in summer to protect the victims and their children at the slightest sign of abuse.

“We warned in a pandemic that violence against women was a pandemic over another pandemic. By normalizing, by liberating ourselves with vaccines, the one underneath is simply uncovered. After a period of restrictions, it is as if the cap on machismo were removed, “said Rosell in an interview with RNE.

Let the rebound continue “It is unfortunately foreseeable and we have to warn”, has supported, to ask all institutions and society to be attentive to signs of sexist violence and prevent and accompany and help women victims.

“It is urgent to protect children”

After the discovery of the corpse of little Olivia in the Canary Islands, and when the search for her sister Anna continues, and at a time of “tremendous upswing” in gender crimes, Rosell has asserted that “it is urgent to protect children as a direct victim of sexist violence “.

Asked if she has contacted the mother of the two girls, Beatriz, Rosell replied that the mourning must be respected and that institutions and authorities cannot break into people’s lives at such a difficult time “for having a personal role”, but yes with psychological, social and legal help, “as it is being done”.

The delegate has specified that all sexist murders share “the same pattern”: “He is not a madman, he is not a serial killer, he is the face of machismo, of that man who does not tolerate the freedom of women, their equality. Against that we must fight all institutions and society every day, not only when the worst happens. “

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