Home » today » Technology » South Korea’s First Lunar Orbiter, Danuri, Successfully Completes One Year Mission with High-Resolution Images and Polarized Data from Moon

South Korea’s First Lunar Orbiter, Danuri, Successfully Completes One Year Mission with High-Resolution Images and Polarized Data from Moon

South Korea’s first lunar orbiter, Danuri, has been carrying out its mission for a year, successfully sending a number of images and observation data from various parts of the moon to Earth.

The ‘Moon’ map was created by combining observation data sent by Danuri. The data was taken with a polarized camera for the first time in the world.

According to Doctor Choi Yeong-jun from the Korea Institute of Astronomy and Space Science, polarization can help to understand the grain size, whether it is a very fine sandy area or a gravelly area.

Danuri’s high-resolution camera also captured the Tycho crater, which is estimated to have formed 100 million years ago and has a diameter of 85 km.

Doctor Jeon Moon-jin from the Korea Space Research Institute (KARI) explained that his team took pictures of all potential landing sites for lunar landers, because high-resolution cameras can take high-resolution images of the lunar surface.

Danuri, which was launched in August last year and entered lunar orbit in about four months, continued to explore around the moon for one year.

With this achievement, South Korea has become the seventh country in the world to explore the moon, after the United States and China.

The world of science is paying great attention to more detailed lunar observation data than ever before, and the famous scientific magazine ‘Nature’ even rated Danuri’s mission as successful.

Danuri was scheduled to complete its mission at the end of this month, but it was extended until the end of 2025 because its observation performance was very good and there was still enough fuel remaining.

The information Danuri collects will be announced to scientists around the world in the first half of next year.

2023-12-28 06:00:22
#Moon #Map #Successfully #Created #Observation #Data #Danuri

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