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Sony Withdraws Helldivers 2 from Sale in Regions without PSN: Steam Clarifies

Steam Representatives Clarify: Helldivers 2 Pulled from Sale in PSN-Unavailable Regions

Steam representatives have come forward to provide clarity on Helldivers 2’s removal from sale in regions lacking PlayStation Network (PSN) access. The game’s publisher, Sony, made the decision to revoke its availability in these specific regions, not Steam itself.

Sony’s Initial Announcement

Earlier this month, Sony announced that players on Steam wanting to play Helldivers 2 would soon be required to link their game with a PSN account in the interest of safety and security. While it was stated this condition had always been a prerequisite for PC players, technical complications during the game’s launch allowed for a temporary optional linking period.

This news was met with a significant backlash from the Helldivers 2 community on Steam, resulting in a surge of negative reviews from disgruntled players. Many players requested refunds as a result, and Helldivers 2 was subsequently pulled from sale in 177 countries where PSN is not available. Ultimately, Sony backtracked on their plans and decided against implementing mandatory PSN linking for Helldivers 2 Steam players altogether.

Clearing Confusion

In response to the ongoing debate surrounding the delisting of the game in affected regions, Steam representatives have assured players that the decision to pull Helldivers 2 was made by the game’s publisher. Steam was unaware of when the game might become available in the countries affected. Players have been encouraged to reach out to Sony directly to share their feedback and seek further clarification.

Further Restrictions for Additional Regions

Interestingly, three more regions were affected by the game’s restriction, even though Sony had already reversed the mandatory PSN linking requirement. This decision was prompted by a similar delisting strategy employed for the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut. In countries where PSN accessibility is limited, Steam took the unprecedented step of automatically refunding players who had purchased the game.

According to Johan Pilestedt, the creative director of Helldivers 2 studio, Arrowhead, the additional country restrictions were a result of an “administrative error correction.” These regions were mistakenly excluded from the initial restriction and were only included when implementing the restriction for Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut. Pilestedt emphasized that the conversation regarding region restrictions is still ongoing and unrelated to this specific case. Arrowhead remains committed to making the game available worldwide.

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