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Son of former dictator Gaddafi released in Libya

During the violent uprising that killed his father in 2011, he led the country’s security forces. About a month before his father was lynched, he fled to neighboring Niger.

Although that country initially granted Saadi and his family asylum on humanitarian grounds, he was deported to his native country in 2014 for not complying with the conditions. He was acquitted in 2018 of the murder of a critical footballer, but was still prosecuted for his role in his father’s regime.

When announcing the release, Prime Minister Dbeibeh did not say why Saadi is now being released. He only tweeted that “the country cannot move forward without reconciliation”. Local media report that the judge acquitted him of wrongdoing during the Arab Spring.

Presidential Ambitions

Gaddafi had eight sons, all of whom played a role in his regime. His son Muatassim was killed shortly after his father was found in a hiding place by an angry mob. Two other sons had previously died during the civil war.

Seif al-Islam, the eldest son and intended successor, was already released by Libya in 2017. He would have the ambition to participate in the presidential elections that the country wants to hold in December.

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