Home » today » World » So the primary nation able to arrest Netanyahu, that is the connection between Norway and Israel

So the primary nation able to arrest Netanyahu, that is the connection between Norway and Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Image / REUTERS

OSLO – The connection between Norway and Israel is a protracted journey stuffed with many necessary moments.

Norway was one of many first nations to acknowledge the institution of Israel, solely on February 4, 1949. Since then, relations between the 2 nations have continued to develop and skilled totally different dynamics.

In 1992 to 1993, Norway performed an necessary function as a facilitator in negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Group (PLO).

These negotiations led to the Oslo Accords in 1993, a historic second that marked peace efforts between Israel and Palestine.

Not solely does Norway work as an help, however it’s nonetheless concerned as the pinnacle of the donor group that coordinates worldwide help for the Palestinian territories.

This reveals Norway’s dedication to creating peace and stability within the Center East area.

Nonetheless, relations between Norway and Israel face challenges. One instance was in October 2023, when Norway assessed that Israel had violated worldwide regulation in its navy operations in Gaza.

The Minister of International Affairs in Norway, Espen Barth Eide, stated that though Oslo helps Israel’s proper to self-defense, the Zionist colonial system should adjust to worldwide humanitarian regulation.

2024-05-24 15:01:33
#nation #prepared #arrest #Netanyahu #relationship #Norway #Israel

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