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Snapchat | How to deregister messages

Snapchat may be an ephemeral messaging issue, but users can still save and deregister messages at will. This is only possible in the app’s chat window, where users can share everything from text to photos, video and voice messages. Still, there might come a time when it’s better deregister a Snapchat message. Here’s how to do it.

How to deregister Snapchat messages

To unregister a Snapchat message, first open the chat window and then tap once on the message you want to unregister. You can also long-press the saved text, photo or video and then choose the “Cancel chat recording” option.

The basic save mechanism works both ways: you can tap a message once to save or un-save it. However, this only works for messages that you have recorded yourself. If the message was saved by the recipient, you cannot cancel it. To make it disappear, you will need to delete it. This can be done by long pressing on the message and then choosing the delete option.

Saving and deregistering messages in Snapchat does not notify the other user. However, the message will not disappear and the recipient will see a gray background indicating that it has been saved. Long press on the message will also reveal who recorded it, which can be useful in group chats.

On the other hand, deleting a message will notify the other user (s). The text, photo, video, or voicemail will be deleted from the chat box and a notification will appear that a message has been deleted. Note that you can only delete messages that you have sent to yourself.

Any message you choose to unregister on Snapchat will be deleted at once depending on the view setting with recipient. If messages are set to be deleted immediately after viewing, they will disappear immediately. If the option is set to 24 hours, it may take up to a day for it to be finally removed.

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