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Smartwatch can still be important in the fight against the corona virus

Virus detection via smartwatch could soon be possible.

Scientist from Stanford work in cooperation with Fitbit and Scripps Research on one Smartwatch early warning system For Viral infections. On algorithm is said to already be a possible viral disease before the appearance of symptoms detect and warn the sick.

Cooperation between Stanford, Scripps and Fitbit

Research is currently underway on all possible methods to prevent the spread of the Corona virus curb and get a handle on future pandemics faster. Means artificial intelligence Major damage should be prevented in the future, but this artificial intelligence must be close to humans so that as much data as possible can be collected. Researcher out Stanford have in common with Scripps Research and the company Fitbit thereby the role of Smartwatch targeted. The smartwatch is supposed to be as early warning system act to detect a possible infection.

The algorithm is designed to detect viral diseases early on

Scripps, Stanford and Fitbit are currently working on one algorithmwho already recognizes the disease, even if there are no obvious symptoms. The algorithm is supposed to Heart rate and the Body temperature as main data sources. There Smartwatches anyway Every day about 250,000 data collect this wearable is perfect as an early warning system, says Stanford Professor Michael Snyder.

Fitbit provides 1000 smartwatches

Fitbit poses for this research project 1,000 smartwatches available and asks its customers to participate in any research as test subjects. Overall five different smartwatch models used to generate the most complete data image possible. The Challenges for research and algorithm complex After all, the heartbeat and body temperature can increase for many reasons. It should also be difficult various viral diseases from each other differentiate. Nevertheless, this is an exciting research for the proactive fight against viruses in the future.



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