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Slightly more infections nursing home residents, death rate remains stable low

Statue Marcel van den Bergh

Nursing homes also see an increase in infections, death rates still stable

The recent resurgence of the virus is also starting to permeate nursing homes again. In 172 nursing homes and residential centers, approximately 7 percent of the total number in the Netherlands, at least one resident has tested positive in the past four weeks. In early October, before the infection rates rose nationwide, 108 nursing home locations were struggling with infections. In South Limburg, infections occur relatively most often in nursing homes, at least 16 percent of the locations reported at least one resident who tested positive. In the safety regions of Rotterdam-Rijnmond and Zuid-Holland-Zuid, this share is also relatively high at around 12 percent. In the past week, an average of 39 nursing home residents were tested positive daily, well over the 24 last week. The reports are delayed, so the actual number of infections over the past week may be higher. The effects of the vaccination program are clearly visible, the death rates remain stable low. On average 2 deaths are reported every day, during the peak of January more than 50 nursing home residents died every day.

Increase in admission figures continues, on average 67 new corona patients per day

The increase in new corona patients in Dutch hospitals continues, but is increasing at a slower pace than last week. In a week, the number of new admissions rose by 18 percent to an average of 67 per day. Last Sunday the increase on a weekly basis was still 35 percent. On average, 13 of these patients ended up in an intensive care unit every day, 10 a week earlier. On Sunday afternoon, there were 553 corona patients in Dutch hospitals, 15 percent more than last week. Of them, 142 have been admitted to intensive care units, slightly more than the 130 from a week earlier. The National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS) expects a further increase in both the nursing and intensive care units.

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