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German Defense Minister Announces Transfer of Bundeswehr Personnel to NATO Supervision by 2025

Most of the military personnel of the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) will be transferred under the supervision of NATO by 2025, approximately 35 thousand of them will have the two highest readiness levels. This was said by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.

“The security of our friends is our security. Therefore, by next year, most of the Bundeswehr’s weapons will be transferred under the command of NATO, and about 35 thousand of them will have the two highest levels of readiness,” Pistorius said while delivering a keynote address at Johns Hopkins University in the US.

“Our focus remains on protecting our allies on the eastern side of NATO. From the High North to the Balkans, from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean, we are devoting many resources to ensuring the security of the allies and NATO as a whole. – the minister emphasized.

He noted that Germany is increasing the presence of the Bundeswehr on the eastern side of NATO. In this regard, Pistorius recalled the permanent deployment of a battalion of the German Armed Forces in Lithuania.

“This is a unique case in German history. Together with our friends, we are sending a clear message [президенту РФ Владимиру] Putin: If a Russian soldier sets foot on Allied soil, we will defend every inch of it,” – said the head of the German Ministry of Defense.

May 6 Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz when he visited Latvia, he said that about 35 thousand German soldiers are ready to support the allies quickly if there is an emergency. He confirmed that the Bundeswehr will focus on the defense of North-Eastern and Central Europe.

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2024-05-09 22:30:00

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