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situation still confused, the United States calls for “finding solutions”

The United States on Sunday urged the country’s future new leaders to “work quickly” on solutions to restore economic stability and address popular discontent over deteriorating economic conditions, “including shortages of electricity, food and fuel,” a State Department spokesperson said.

“To ensure a peaceful transition, the president said he would resign on July 13,” Speaker of Parliament Mahinda Abeywardana said on Saturday on television.

Two people close to the president resigned without delay: the head of the press service Sudewa Hettiarachchi and the media minister Bandula Gunawardana, who also left his post at the head of the presidential party.

For his part, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe tried to pave the way for a government of national unity, by urgently convening a government crisis meeting with the opposition parties to which he proposed his resignation. But that was not enough to calm the anger of the demonstrators who in the evening besieged his residence, in his absence, and set fire to it, without causing any injuries.

Earlier, President Rajapaksa, in the hot seat for months, had just enough time to flee a few minutes before several hundred demonstrators entered the presidential palace, a symbolic building normally reserved for receptions but where he had moved in April after his private home was stormed.

“The president has been escorted to a safe place,” said a defense source, according to whom the president boarded a military ship heading for territorial waters in the south of the island.

Once a middle-income country with a standard of living envied by India, Sri Lanka has been devastated by the loss of tourism revenue following a jihadist attack in 2019 and the Covid-19 pandemic.

The crisis, unprecedented since the independence in 1948 of this island of 22 million inhabitants, has been aggravated by a series of bad political decisions, of which the presidential clan in power since 2005 is accused by the population.

In the presidential pool

Local TV stations showed footage of hundreds of people climbing the gates of his palace. Protesters then streamed live videos on social media of the crowds marching inside, some enjoying themselves in the presidential pool or in the bedrooms.

The protesters also took over the nearby presidential offices in front of which demonstrators had been camping for three months.

Demonstrations to demand the resignation of Mr. Rajapaksa gathered hundreds of thousands of people on Saturday, demonstrators having even forced the railway authorities to transport them by train, while the country has almost no more gasoline.

Three people were wounded by bullets when the police tried to disperse the crowd massed in the administrative district of the capital, with a lot of tear gas.

Galloping inflation, shortages, Sri Lanka lacks everything: gasoline, electricity, food, medicine. The country is negotiating a rescue plan with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), likely to impose tax increases. The United Nations estimates that around 80% of the population is forced to skip meals.

“My wife and I have been eating once a day for two months to make sure our child has three meals,” said Janith Malinga, in the ranks of another demonstration against power in Fort Galle, in the South West. , where cricket events continue smoothly, with Australia in the spotlight.

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