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Signs of support for legal reform were vandalized by left-wing protesters Documentation

Left-wing protesters who came to demonstrate today in Tel Aviv vandalized billboards supporting the leaders of the legal reform, Minister Yariv Levin and MK Simcha Rotman. The signs were hung as part of the campaign to support MK Rotman and Beshar Levin on dozens of roads, bridges, intersections and central places in the country, with the image of Minister Levin appearing on them and MK Rotman.

video-credit">Video: Osnat Zohar

Berla Crombie, who is behind the campaign, condemned the vandalism of the signs. “Since the morning hours, I have been receiving photos and documents from citizens all over the country, including the vandalism of the campaign signs by violent anarchists. The extreme left that is trying to prevent the correction of the justice system has crossed all the red lines, removed the masks and is using violence. We will not be broken and we will not be deterred. Those who try to shut up Our mouth will receive the reform with all its strength. I am sure that Minister Levin and MK Rothman know that the tens of thousands who participated in the crowdfunding that made it possible to hang the signs of support all over the country reflect the broad and true support of the people of Israel for the reform and not those violent anarchists.”

Earlier today, a number of people were arrested who participated in the attack on the offices of the Ecclesiastical Forum in Jerusalem. The participants in the event arrived at the place around 7:00 with protest shirts, some with masks, ordered the employee who was there to leave the office and informed me that they were sealing the building. The employee, the coordinator of the community field in the congregation, Noam Madar, said that she does not go out. After that, the protesters blocked the doors of the building and placed wire fences and concrete sacks at the entrance.

The organizers of the protest announced in advance of their intention to carry out the violent act, in a message distributed this morning among the groups of protesters, it was said “We are sealing the rift that khelat is creating in the nation. Everyone already understood that khelat harms the state’s economy, and the security of the state. We have come to tell you – you do not understand how determined we are to preserve the state Israel is democratic and strong! We, the People’s Army, will once again be the fortified wall of the State of Israel.”

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