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Seven unique meetings in the concert cycle “Canon of Dailes”

The outstanding actress of Daile Theater, Lilita Ozoliņa, accompanied by piano music performed by Monta Kroma and pianist Reinis Zariņš, will go in search of the creative process and study the artist's relationship with her work of art.

The outstanding actress of Daile Theater, Lilita Ozoliņa, accompanied by piano music performed by Monta Kroma and pianist Reinis Zariņš, will go in search of the creative process and study the artist’s relationship with her work of art.

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Ieva Janelsiņa, “Culture Marks”, JSC “Latvijas Mediji”

Starting from yesterday, Dailes Theater invites to a seven-concert cycle “Dailes Kanons” to go to the mysterious world of art accompanied by piano music and poetry performed by a wonderful pianist, in the center of which the main value of “Dailes Canon” shines.

Along with other national cultural values, the Latvian cultural canon includes not only the works of composers Raimonds Pauls and Imants Kalniņš, but also the Daile Theater created by director Eduards Smiļģis, the poetry theater created by director and playwright Pēteris Petersons and the Daile Theater building designed by architect Marta Staņa.

“During the work of Helena Demakova as the Minister of Culture, the Latvian cultural canon was created, I have always treated it very ironically, because, in my opinion, it is a certain totalitarianism. Culture is incomprehensible and must be somewhat anarchic. One must not declare something a canon and make others criticize it, because the field of culture is very multifaceted.


All this irony of mine turned into the fact that I found out that Daile Theater has its own canon – they are its great actors! ” Viesturs Kairišs, the creative director of Daile Theater and the author of the idea of ​​“Dailes kanona”, talks about the beginning of the idea of ​​the concert cycle.

He has previously collaborated as a director with the stage artists Juris Strengs, Olga Dreģis, Lidija Pupuri, Lilita Ozoliņa and others. V. Kairišs admits that when working with actors of another generation, he sometimes feels uncomfortable, but it has always been very easy to cooperate with the actors of Eduards Smiļģis Theater.

“Their understanding of theater, how capacious this genre is, how multi-plate relationships can be, has always been close to me, so I concluded that performances should be made for them,” says Viesturs Kairišs.

Initially, the idea was planned for the centenary season of the theater, then the idea of ​​the “Canon of Dailes” was formulated, in which five actors of Dailes Theater would tell about their lives, but taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country, the activity was suspended. However, as it improves, the possibility of implementing this idea in the garden of Daile Theater in the summer has been seen, and now it has crystallized quite clearly.

“A cycle of seven concert programs with the canonical actors of Daile Theater, in which they learned the basics of acting as Eduards Smiļģis himself, embodying the entire legendary, mythological history of Daile Theater and becoming equal to the greats of our performing arts. At the same time, we all confront them with some outstanding text, thinker, or poetry, both known and lesser known. In my opinion, a meaningful, artistically very valuable program, ”says the author of the idea.

Rēzija Kalniņa will read poetry from Rainis’ poetry collection “Long Moods in the Blue Evening”, which was her mother Helga Dancberga’s favorite collection of poems, which she once read to children. This creates an even deeper context – a dedication to the mother. Olga Dreģe will read Broņislava Martuževa’s poetry, which is very emotional, Latgalian, full of earth and love.

Together with Jānis Šipkēvics, Juris Strengs has created an oratorio, which will be supplemented by the text of Friedrich Nietzsche’s “It Spoke Zaratustra”. Lilita Ozoliņa will read the poetry of Montas Kromas, who is a female poet, a Soviet modernist, and she is quoted a lot by young poets. The works of Latvian poet and essayist Jānis Rokpeļņš, who, in my opinion, is a modern classic, an ironic postmodernist, will be performed by Juris Bartkevičs and Ieva Segliņa.

Lidija Pupure will read essays by Zenta Mauriņa, as well as works by Rainis and Aspazija. Speaking about musicians, we have read the whole flower of Latvian pianism – Raimonds Pauls, Vestards Šimkus, Edgars Cīrulis, Reinis Zariņš, Jānis Šipkēvics, Agnese Egliņa and Plato Buravickis, ”says Viesturs Kairišs enthusiastically.

“We are in the company with the young, beautiful, talented actress Ieva Segliņš and the eccentric pianist Platon Buravickis, and I am one of the old guards. I’m in a bit of a poetic mood, because we’ve only tried hard for two hours. It is very beautiful that the management of our artistic theater has generated this poetic, artistic cycle, because it has seemed to me all my life that poetry can never be too much. I speak the poetry of Jānis Rokpeļņš, who is a little above my generation, but once in our youth we have met in bars, and then life has taken us all on our own. Today I read the works of this great poet, a master of form and content, and it makes me very happy. A sharp-edged romantic, as once criticized, he is one of those poets who goes his own way. He can be lyrical, but also tragic, and it all lives in him. Speaking poetry for an hour is a test of mastery for an actor, but I enjoy this process, ”says actor Juris Bartkevičs.

In the evenings of August and September, Daile Garden will have the opportunity to experience one of the seven concert cycle programs in person. The union of Olga Dreģe and pianist and composer Edgars Cīrulis, accompanied by the music of this year’s jubilee Imants Kalniņš and the poetry of Broņislava Martuževa, will allow you to look into the twists and turns of Latgale and its people.

Piano improvisations, poetry by Jānis Rokpeļņš and choreography by Jana Jacuka will combine in the canon of Juris Bartkevičs, Ieva Segliņš and the challenging, musically bright and extremist composer Plato Buravickis. Juris Strenga and Jānis Šipkēvics will meet through Friedrich Nietzsche’s “This is what Zaratustra spoke”.

Lilita Ozoliņa will go in search of the creative process and study the artist’s relationship with her work of art, accompanied by piano music performed by Monta Kroma and excellent pianist Reinis Zariņš. Lidija Pupure and pianist Agnese Egliņa will focus on Zenta Mauriņa’s poetry and modern piano music.


Accompanied by piano music by composer and pianist Vestards Šimkus, Rēzija Kalniņš will offer to get to know her mother Helga Dancberga’s favorite poems. The cycle of “Canon of Dailes” will end with a reunion with Raimonds Pauls, Ausma Kantāns, Ilze Ķuzulis-Skrastiņš and Vizma Belševica in the poetry cycle “All the trees are given by God”


Meeting in the concert cycle “Canon of Dailes”

• August 4 – Olga Dreģe and Edgars Cīrulis (premiere – August 3).

• August 10 – Juris Bartkevičs, Ieva Segliņa and Plato Buravickis – premiere.

• August 17 – Juris Strenga and Jānis Šipkēvics – premiere.

• August 24 – Lilita Ozoliņa and Reinis Zariņš – premiere.

• August 31 – Rēzija Kalniņa and Vestards Šimkus – premiere.

• September 3 – Lidija Pupure and Agnese Egliņa – premiere.

• September 7 – Ausma Kantāne, Ilze Ķuzule-Skrastiņa and Raimonds Pauls – premiere.

* Author of the idea of ​​the concert series – Viesturs Kairišs, set designer – Ieva Jurjāne, costume designer – Ilze Vītoliņa, musical consultant – Juris Vaivods, drama consultant – Justīne Kļava.


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