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Seven Outstanding Books of 2020 | Servindi

Servindi, January 4, 2021.- We share a brief selection of seven books that appeared during 2020 and that deserve our special attention for their contribution to understanding the indigenous world and interculturality. Here is our selection:

It is an extraordinary book that tops our selection. The monumental book of more than 500 pages and beautiful photographs collects the prehistory, history, culture, knowledge and challenges of the indigenous peoples of Madre de Dios, such as the Harakbut, Ese-eja, Yine, Matsigenka, Kichwa Runa, Shipibo and Amahuaca.

Through thirteen articles by various authors, the book culminates with the testimonies of nine indigenous leaders. The book was edited by María Chavarría, Klaus Rummenhöller and Thomas Moore, with the support from the Amazon Regional Environmental Program (AREP) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The book was conceived as a contribution to the knowledge of the indigenous reality in Madre de Dios to remedy the general misinformation about it. It is also intended to be useful for programming development interventions in the region. One of the objectives for working on the work has been the desire to provide accurate and current information on the original peoples of this region.

Accessible book can be downloaded from the following address:


This book constitutes an essential contribution in the process of legitimization in domestic and international law on the recognition and exercise of the right to self-determination of the indigenous peoples of the world, a key and essential right for the survival of indigenous peoples.

In addition, it constitutes a space for analysis, dialogue and debate between indigenous representatives and authorities in order to articulate visions and share experiences on the intricate path to build and practice autonomy and self-government.

The book was edited by the International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and edited by Jens Dahl, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Shapiom Noningo, Shankar Limbu and Sara Olsvig. An essential book that opens new perspectives in the construction and exercise of this essential right.

Access the publication through the following link:

Building Autonomies (PDF, 72 pages).

Indigenous territorial governance has been revalued as a key and strategic aspect for the resistance and good living of indigenous peoples. In addition, it is an essential component for the fight against the climate crisis and the conservation of biodiversity.

However, there are few materials written from this approach and perspective. The book fills a huge gap by collecting the significant learnings of indigenous leaders, technicians and leaders through the methodology of capitalization of experiences.

The text gathers in its 200 pages 64 training files from 22 Amazonian leaders from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru who participated in a fruitful workshop organized in Lima, and in which Servindi participated.

The work was part of the activities of the Indigenous Territorial Governance Training Program coordinated by Forest Trends, under the auspices of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Norwegian International Climate and Forests Initiative (NICFI).

Download the book for free at the following link:

“The essence of our existence until the sun goes out” (PDF, 200 pages)

Two radio operators with enormous experience and commitment: Inés Binder and Santiago García Gago give us a book that presents a journey through the defense of the right to communication by community radio stations.

It is a valuable guidance book for community radio stations to strengthen their accompaniment to the defense of territories and common goods and convey their proposal and consolidate their role in the digital environment.

The text appears in a timely fashion at a special and critical moment that challenges communication efforts and reflects the strong commitment of its authors to community media and freedom of expression.

Download the publication from the following link:

https://radioslibres.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Politizar-la-tecnologia_Binder-Garcia_Gago.pdf (PDF, Spanish, 208 pages)

The annual edition of the International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) presents its 34th edition with data collected from 66 countries and also contains 17 articles on international processes, one of the sections that is gaining more space and relevance in the classic publication.

The 2020 edition was written by 114 authors who document and report on the situation and the processes of the peoples’ struggle. Thus, it is a valuable reference text for anyone who wants to update themselves on the rights of indigenous peoples.

Access the version of the Indigenous World 2020 at the following link:

Indigenous World 2020 (PDF, Spanish, 816 pages)

This study collects key data on the particularities of the Amazon as a diverse territory, to understand the communication processes in the region, and to identify needs and future perspectives.

The research was sponsored by the Deustche Welle Akademie (DW-A) and notes the enormous challenge that communication entails in the Amazonian context, a huge territory inhabited by a multitude of diverse peoples and cultures.

The publication seeks to strengthen communication processes in the region, make visible biological and cultural diversity as well as socio-environmental conflicts, and thus promote debates about possible solutions.

Access the publication with the following link:

https://www.dw.com/downloads/55082921/amazonia-el-desafo-de-la-diversidaddw-akademie.pdf (PDF, 56 pages).

It is a tribute book to Catherine Walsh, a militant intellectual of interculturality. The outstanding 300-page book contains substantial works of analysis and reflection and was just printed in October 2020 by the Simón Bolívar Andean University and the Abya Yala publishing house.

Among its central axes are interwoven the geopolitics of knowledge, political struggles and social praxis of Afro-descendant and indigenous peoples, feminist thoughts and alternative pedagogies.

Download book at the following link:


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