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“Seven Learning Motorcycles Stolen from Orion Driving School Training Center in Argentré”

Seven learning motorcycles were stolen this weekend of May 13 and 14, 2023 from the motorcycle training center of the Orion driving school in Argentré, east of Laval. The manager, Sylvain Ronné, estimates the loss at 30,000 euross. This is the first time that the boss of the Orion driving school, which has seven learning centers in the department, has been robbed. On the weekend of May 13 and 14, 2023, thieves broke into the motorcycle training center in Argentré. They managed to force the bay window that leads to the office to open the garage from the inside.

One less workforce

I’m jaded and angry“, he says. It was thanks to the Laval police that Sylvain Ronné realized the burglary. “They called me Monday morning to tell me that one of my motorcycles had been discovered abandoned in Laval.“, he says. Immediately afterwards, he goes to his premises and that’s where he discovers the extent of the damage. “I saw that the garage was wide open. I immediately understood that the two wheels were gone.“In total, six motorcycles, a scooter and a computer were stolen.”It is a labor force that is disappearing and therefore it will have to be replaced.

Sylvain Ronné filed a complaint with the gendarmes of Argentré, who according to him, went to take samples in the garage.

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2023-05-17 17:01:27
#work #force #disappears #driving #school #manager #victim #burglary #Argentré

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