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Serie A: AC Milan continue against AS Roma (2-0) – Serie A 2019-2020 – Football

SERIE A – After their large victory on Lecce’s lawn on Monday, AC Milan clinched their second victory of the week by disposing of AS Roma after a long boring match. Rebic (76th) and Çalhanoglu (89th, sp) are the scorers of this Sunday. The victory enabled the teammates of Théo Hernandez, who obtained the penalty, to return to six points behind Roma, 5th.

Stefano Pioli is getting used to it, but he will again be able to thank Ante Rebic, AC Milan’s top scorer this season and author of almost half of his team’s achievements in 2020. He is the Croatian who, from a surface fox goal, unlocked a previously closed meeting of the Rossoneri against AS Rome (2-0), Sunday. Thanks to this prestigious victory against a competitor in European places, the Milanese temporarily returned to Naples, 6th.

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Successful reunion with San Siro. For their first game on their lawn since the resumption of football in Italy, AC Milan had a second success in Serie A. Above all, the Rossoneri, who have found their way to the nets twice, begin to find colors in attack, with six goals scored in two games. Not bad for a team in great difficulty in this area so far. Rebic, who scored his 8th goal in the last nine games in the league with Milan, unlocked the game and allowed his team to escape a previously dismal game, dominated by AS Rome in the first period.


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Rebic at the end of boredom

For the intensity and the champagne football, we will be patient. Because this meeting was for a long time poor in opportunities, especially on the Lombard side where the numerous approximations in the transmissions prevented the locals from worrying Antonio Mirante. But on the Giallorossi side, despite the sometimes well-oiled combinations, there was not much to put in their teeth either, except for a head of Edith Dzeko who brushed against the post of Gianluigi Donnarumma (20th) .

Théo Hernandez’s teammates came back better after the break, sharper, more moving, succeeding in depriving the Romans of balloons. And by dint of pushing, they ended up taking the lead on a confusing action, where after a strike from Kessié repulsed by Mirante, Rebic made two attempts to find the path of the nets (76th).

Still very solid and very active on his left side, Hernandez took advantage of the momentum of his family at the end of the match to cause a fault by Chris Smalling in the area and obtain a penalty which Hakan Calhanoglu converted without blinking (2-0, 89e). In addition to breaking the beautiful dynamic of AS Rome, who remained on three league victories, AC Milan returned six lengths from their evening opponent, fifth, and especially at Naples. Ten days from the end, the race for the Europa League is therefore still as indecisive. And Milan confirms that he does not intend to give up.

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