Home » today » Entertainment » Sergio Staino, Bobo’s cartoonist “father” has died

Sergio Staino, Bobo’s cartoonist “father” has died

He died this morning in hospital in Florence Sergio Staino, 83 years previous. The cartoonist, Bobo’s father and former director of the Unit, had been hospitalized for a number of days: he had been sick for a while. He leaves behind his spouse Bruna and his kids Ilaria and Michele. On his weblog he outlined himself as a “designer, author, director and cultural operator. Stressed soul of the Marxist left”.

Raised in Piancastagnaio, within the province of Siena, he graduated in structure earlier than dedicating himself to comics.


He made his debut on the planet of comics with Bobohis most well-known character, in 1979 within the journal Linus directed by Oreste Del Buono. Bobo, dedicated to the left and the prototype of the typical considering Italian, employee and disillusioned household man, handed by means of the pages of assorted newspapers and magazines, the place he usually commented on the occasions of the day in an incisive manner. “Bobo was born, as usually occurs, out of desperation” Staino stated “I used to be a stressed man, in disaster. I used to be in search of what to do after I grew up. The picture of Bobo was born instinctively. Even the title. Bobo is an offended, disillusioned, romantic, democratic, left-wing”.

Within the Eighties he started drawing cartoons for Ithe Messenger and l’Unità, with whom he labored since 1982. In 1986 he based and have become director of the satirical program Tango (in 1987 he created the Teletango program for Rai 3). Subsequently, nonetheless in Rai, he created cute little skya satirical selection present hosted by Claudio Bisio e Athina Cenci.

In 2007 he created Emme, “a periodical of philosophy to giggle and politics to cry”, weekly complement of l’Unità, of which he’ll change into director in 2016; Nevertheless, he resigned in 2017 after the announcement of a workers downsizing plan needed by the corporate that publishes the newspaper. He’ll then return to direct the newspaper till its closure on 2 June 2017. He additionally collaborated with Avvenire, The print e Atlasthe web journal of Treccani.it.

Amongst his most up-to-date publications is the satirical comedian novel Seeking the Fassina sheep (Giunti Editore), the ebook The fish con Silvio Greco (Sluggish Meals editions) and the illustrations for the ebook Mother, so many tales Of Andrea Satta (Italian Encyclopedia editions). A biography has been revealed about him I am Bobo, written by journalists Laura Montanari e Fabio Galati (Della Porta Editori).

Within the final years of his life he misplaced his sight. A situation, that of blindness, which he mentioned with Luigi Manconi in a dialogue on Republic.


There have been many reactions from politics, the world of journalism and tradition to his loss of life. The journalist Enrico Mentanawho defines him on social media as “gentle and nice”; the previous Prime Minister and chief of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi, who remembers how he was “an actual particular person to debate and talk about with”. Carlo Calenda, Motion chief declares: “I liked Sergio Staino. He was not solely an excellent artist but in addition an excellent and profound particular person. RIP”.

As Carlo Calendachief of Motion, whereas in a word Elly Schleinsecretary of the Democratic Get together, writes “he was an mental who with irony, intelligence and the pencil marked an vital a part of the creativeness of the left. All of us grew up together with his cartoons, his characters, his jokes We’ll miss him vastly and we are going to be sure that within the coming weeks and months the democratic group remembers him with the nice affection that binds us to him deepest condolences.” Piero Fassinoformer secretary of the Left Democrats and deputy of the Democratic Get together, writes on

“A terrific Tuscan leaves us at the moment, a soul of unparalleled expertise. A unprecedented man who concerned us, entertained us and made us mirror together with his cartoons. The daddy of ‘Bobo’, former director of l’Unit, irreplaceable reference of opinion for your entire progressive world. It leaves an excellent void on the planet of satire and in all of us”. These are the phrases of the president of the Tuscany area, Eugenio Giani.

A tribute additionally comes from the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella who additionally on behalf of the town addressed his condolences to the household: “Expensive Sergio Staino, we thought that you simply and Bobo had been immortal!. Florence loses an excellent skilled who, by means of his pencil, made us mirror and dream. I lose a buddy with which I’ve all the time confided in since my first steps in politics.”

“With Sergio Staino goes not solely a superb pencil, the unforgettable creator of Bobo, but in addition a superb and acute writer and journalist, all the time able to making us smile and mirror. An affectionate hug to his household and to all those that liked him “. Thus on Twitter the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri.

#Sergio #Staino #Bobos #cartoonist #father #died
– 2024-05-21 18:18:34

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