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Separation is a fact! Crisco admitted that he had moved out of the apartment – Gossip

  • December 12, 2021

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  • The rapper Christian Talev – CriscoChristian Talev, better known as Crisco, is a Bulgarian singer-songwriter, music producer and author half-heartedly admitted to parting ways with former flight attendant Tsvetelina Petrova. He shared in a TV interview that he sees his two children only on weekends, wrote show.bg.

    With this, he indirectly confirmed that he is really in a tense relationship with the kids’ mother. Until recently, young parents are said to have tried to resolve their conflicts, but without success.

    “I hardly see the children during the week, so I try to catch up on the weekends,” he said CriscoCriscoChristian Talev, better known as Crisco, is a Bulgarian singer-songwriter, music producer and author. Most of the hits of the hit artist are on the weekends, so the work is hardly a reason not to be with his son and daughter the rest of the time.

    Until recently, the musician and the charming brunette denied rumors of a breakup, but all indications are that there was thunder in heaven. The two have not shared photos on the social network for months.

    Crisco and Flowers separated?

    They were visibly distant from each other. When the host asked Tsveti if she considered it a mistake that she returned from Dubai to Bulgaria because of CriscoCriscoChristian Talev, better known as Crisco, is a Bulgarian singer-songwriter, music producer and author, she answered meaningfully: “It happens that a person makes mistakes”.

    The rapper-chalgadzhiya has repeatedly told about the beginning of his love with the beautiful woman who gave birth to two children. She used to work as a flight attendant and had plans to settle in Dubai, but Talev persuaded her to return home to be together. If Petrova had stayed in the United Arab Emirates, her life would have unfolded in a radically different way.

    Rumors of a breakup surfaced in late September on little Amaya’s birthday. Then Tsveti’s daughter CriscoCriscoChristian Talev, better known as Crisco, is a Bulgarian singer-songwriter, music producer and author turned two years old. The party, organized by Petrova, was attended only by close friends and relatives. Witnesses claim that the girl’s parents came separately, as CriscoCriscoChristian Talev, better known as Crisco, is a Bulgarian singer-songwriter, music producer and author stayed for no more than half an hour and left. He didn’t even bother with his clothes – instead of betting on a formal outfit that suits the birthday girl and her mother, the rapper arrived in a tracksuit and a torn T-shirt.

    It was as if he had remembered at the last minute that his daughter had a birthday. They hardly looked at Tsveti, nor did they say a word to each other “, acquaintances say. It is noteworthy that the two have not posed together even for photos with Amaya, and recently often had family photo shoots.

    People from Gabrovo’s entourage claim that he had an affair with his wife during the summer. The couple’s problems came after the appearance of their son Daniel, who was born in March this year. Tsvetelina was extremely nervous around the two small children, and the performer did not give her much support, because she either went to performances or had other leisure activities. It is not clear whether a third person has appeared in their relationship, but according to acquaintances, it is more about problems of another nature.


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