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Seine-Saint-Denis: justice keeps drug addicts Porte de la Villette

Posted on Nov 2, 2021, 12:53 PM

Drug addicts will stay at Porte de la Villette. The Paris administrative court rejected on October 28 the appeals filed by the mayors of Aubervilliers and Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis), contesting the installation for more than a month of drug addicts addicted to crack Porte de la Villette. More precisely on the Place Auguste Baron, in the XIXth arrondissement, on the edge of the ring road

However, if they are officially installed in a camp in Paris, and that concrete block walls have been erected to block the path that leads to Pantin, drug addicts bypass this passage. Several of them therefore wander regularly to Quatre-Chemins, a poor district straddling the communes of Pantin and Aubervilliers.

Demonstrations every Wednesday

Despite demonstrations by residents (grouped together in the collective 93 anti-crack) every Wednesday evening since their installation and many tensions, no solution has been found.

Bertrand Kern (Pantin, PS) and Karine Franclet (Aubervilliers, UDI) asked that the decision to move be canceled because it does not respond to “the catastrophic situation of these crack users to treat them and protect us”.

The summary suspension – emergency procedure – filed on Wednesday October 20 and Friday October 22 by the municipalities of Aubervilliers and Pantin contested the order of September 24 of the Paris police prefect ordering the removal of drug addicts from the Eole gardens district , in the north-east of Paris, towards the Place Auguste Baron.

However, the summary judge considered that “the condition of urgency cannot be regarded as satisfied” in this case, despite “the disturbances to public order suffered by the inhabitants” of the two cities of Seine-Saint-Denis.

The two mayors are waiting to be received by the Prime Minister

In a joint press release published on October 29, the two mayors declared “we take note of this decision and are now awaiting the judgment on the merits of the legality of the order of the Prefect of Police. […] We are still waiting for a political response to local elected officials and city dwellers, namely our meeting requests formulated with the Prime Minister and with the Prefect of Île-de-France. “

Indeed, on September 28, 36 elected officials of the department had already sent an open letter to Prime Minister Jean Castex. They deplored this situation and the fact that the Minister of the Interior and the Prefect of Police of Paris chose to “move the problem to Seine-Saint-Denis – as is unfortunately too often the case – to the greatest contempt of its inhabitants who have just as much right to serenity as the others ”. And this, without having concerted them.

While according to them, other places were available, especially in western Paris. They also asked that the mayors Bertand Kern and Karine Franclet be received by Prime Minister Jean Castex.

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