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See the grown-up daughter of Sylvie Vartan, who the singer adopted as a baby from Bulgaria

Probably few people remember that more than two decades ago the beautiful Sylvie Vartan, who conquered the world in the past not only with music but also with her beauty, adopted a nine-month-old baby from Bulgaria. This happened in 1997, long after her divorce from Johnny Holiday, by whom she has a son, when she had already met the American producer of Italian descent, Tony Scotty, who is still her faithful companion in life. Yes, those whose memory continues to be enviably helpful, reminding them of the child named Darina, after whom the singer and her lover were baptized, must be wondering what she looks like today.

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That’s why now, and a quarter of a century later, after officially becoming part of the star’s family, we decided to find her with the help of the powerful Internet, for which there are no secrets, and show her.

It will come as no surprise to anyone that she has now become an amazing young lady who is not ashamed of the flaws inherent in every single person, because she knows that they are what set him apart from others, giving him individuality. In fact, the girl, who grew up in sunny California, home to glamorous Hollywood, in her own way opposes all her characteristic standards of beauty.

Darina does not try to be perfect, on the contrary – she tries to show her imperfections, inspiring confidence in others like her. Her figure is far from that of models parading on catwalks lit by bright spotlights, but that doesn’t stop her from boldly emphasizing her curves in the photos she uploads to her personal Instagram profile instead of covering them up, or worse, to treat your body, embellishing it with the help of beauty programs.

Photo: Official Instagram profile

It is obvious that the girl feels more than good in her skin, and in itself her confidence makes her even more impressive and charming. That is why it is not surprising that on the social network she enjoys great attention from her followers, some of whom are Bulgarians who regularly like her publications. In the interest of truth, her determination has already won her numerous invitations to meetings, as well as marriage proposals made to her by some of her loyal admirers, whose aspirations she has turned down, of course.

One of her greatest passions is traveling to different parts of the world, which she gets to know with interest, encountering the local culture. After seeing most of America, where most of her days have passed, she often sets out to explore the rest of the world, with one of the destinations she loves to visit being the beautiful France that stole her heart. It doesn’t matter if you are in Paris or Nice, the important thing is to be there, admiring the picturesque landscapes that the country of the Old Continent is famous for.

Despite her love of travel, until recently her main priority was studying, leaving tours to new places for her free time when she was not lying on textbooks and notebooks. It is not clear if she has a partner next to her, but she certainly has loyal friends who support her, outside her family, and also accompany her on adventures, which she gladly undertakes at every opportunity.

Photo: Official Instagram profile

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