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Security. The obligatory mask near all shops

The Moselle has not finished with the Covid-19. “We are witnessing a slow improvement,” conceded Laurent Touvet, prefect of Moselle on Friday, who announced new measures.

Slightly less sick

In Moselle, the incidence rate is 183 new cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants. “Every week, 2,000 people are still affected in Moselle. That’s a lot, ”says Laurent Touvet. The Covid-19 has killed 120 people in the past fortnight. The prefect however concedes “a slight decrease” in the number of patients “with more hospital discharges than admissions”. The Moselle has 517 people hospitalized, including 66 in intensive care. The family environment is the one that concentrates most of the contaminations: “There are very few cases in business. ”

Wearing the extended mask

Until then, in Moselle, wearing a mask was compulsory on the public highway in seven municipalities: Metz, Montigny-lès-Metz, Woippy, Thionville, Terville, Manom ​​and Yutz. As well as around all the educational establishments of the department. But Laurent Touvet goes further. It is now mandatory to wear the mask near any store in Moselle. “The idea is to prevent people from talking to each other unmasked in queues in front of stores. “

More than 2,000 verbalizations

The police remain attentive to compliance with health rules. According to Laurent Touvet, since this second confinement, they have carried out 40,000 checks for just over 2,000 verbalizations: “On average, one in twenty people is not in order. “

No Lantern Trail

Despite the pressures, the prefect reiterated his refusal not to open the Sentier des lanternes in Metz to the public, although it had been set up: “When the Department presented me with its project, it was with the sole objective of filming and filming it. show on the internet. This spectacle attracts large crowds. We didn’t cancel the Christmas markets to recreate one. But why not re-examine this after December 15, and in the light of an adapted health protocol? “

The baffled demonstrations

Three demonstrations, against Amazon, the project to end home education and the comprehensive security law, were authorized on Saturday in Metz: “The routes were reviewed so that the processions avoid the pedestrian streets on this reopening day shopping. “

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