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Security guard does not leave young mother with buggy in Aldi branch

March 26, 2020 – 9:40 am

No access to the Aldi branch with a buggy

Franziska wants to shop with her little daughter in her Aldi Süd market. An unusual sight at the door: A security guard stands there, making sure that not too many people enter the branch. Because many supermarkets are not only reacting creatively to the corona crisis, they are increasingly commissioning security services to keep the individual branches tidy. When Franziska wants to go through the door, the security guard stops her: No access for the mother with a stroller.

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Mother posts her anger on Facebook

Franziska is annoyed and gets air on the Facebook page of Aldi Süd: “I was rejected by a very unfriendly bouncer with the words ‘children only in the baby seat or in the shopping cart and not in the buggy for the safety of you and the sellers’. “

A mother complains on Aldi Süd’s Facebook page because she was not allowed to enter the branch with her daughter AND buggy.

© Facebook, Aldi Süd

Aldi Süd reacts: “Entry only with a shopping cart so that the distance to the person in front is kept”

Despite Corona, the young mother has no understanding of the instructions given by the security guard. She wonders what difference it makes whether she goes to the supermarket with her daughter in a buggy or in a child seat in a car – and asks Aldi Süd for an explanation.

And she receives it immediately: “We are currently trying to find the best solution to protect the health of our customers and employees. In some branches, it may only be possible to enter with a shopping cart so that a certain distance from the person in front is maintained. Therefore, it was probably pointed out that the shopping cart should also be used for your child. This is regulated differently by region. “

Aldi south

Aldi Süd immediately responded to the customer’s criticism on Facebook.

© Facebook, Aldi Süd

The Facebook entry by Matthias from Karlsruhe also shows that Franziska’s rejection at Aldi Süd is not an isolated case. He was completely rejected at the door with a child – supposedly for hygienic reasons.

Facebook entry Aldi Süd

A customer from Karlsruhe complains that he was not allowed to enter an Aldi branch with his child.

© Facebook, Aldi Süd

Users show understanding for rejection

Incidentally, most users show great understanding of Aldi Süd’s measures. “At the moment I like to go shopping where hygiene rules are strictly adhered to, otherwise we will soon be like in other European countries and we can no longer go outside”, Tanja R. points out, for example. And Melanie M. becomes a little more direct: “Bad enough that Aldi now has to employ security personnel because customers cannot adhere to the rules. Your child in the buggy is certainly not 2 m away from other customers. Many branches do not yet have let more children in because they transmit the virus but are not sick themselves. “

One thing is certain: If necessary, the authorities take action. For example, in Berlin, where an Edeka store had to be closed by the police because the customers did not keep enough distance from each other.

Mutual consideration and understanding should come first, especially during the Corona crisis. Because only together can we survive the crisis.


RTL.de documentary: zero hour – race with the virus

The corona virus keeps Germany and the rest of the world in suspense. How did it spread rapidly and what does the outbreak mean for our everyday life? You can find out in the RTL.de documentary “Zero Hour – Race with the Virus” why scientists have long warned of the outbreak of the virus.

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