Home » today » Business » Section 5 of SNTE Launches Back-to-School Drive to Support Vulnerable Students in Difficult Economic Situation

Section 5 of SNTE Launches Back-to-School Drive to Support Vulnerable Students in Difficult Economic Situation

Monclova, Coah.- Before the difficult economic situation that is going through the Central Region, the Section 5 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) is carrying out a collection of backpacks and school supplies that will reach the most vulnerable students.

“The union organization through general secretaries, compañeros from the SNTE Joven, we invite the compañeros of Section 5 to participate in the campaign to donate school supplies, which will be delivered to the schools to the children with the greatest need,” informed Arturo Gomez Almaguer, coordinator.

He mentioned that during this campaign you can donate notebooks, glue, colors, backpacks in good condition, pencils, pencil sharpeners, all the material you can to support children who are going through a difficult situation.

He said that the donation of school supplies began on August 23 and will end on September 6.

“Donations can be delivered through the general secretaries or by going to the coordination of region three,” he said.

He pointed out that everything collected in this collection will be delivered to the children of the same Central Region in municipalities such as Frontera, Monclova, Castaños, Candela, to whoever needs it most.

“We would look through the same secretaries to tell us where there is more need,” he said.

He reiterated the invitation to the fellow members of Section 5 to join this activity, since he pointed out that a great need has been detected in the children and the teachers should not be outsiders, but rather have to be participants in supporting the students.

2023-09-02 12:41:52
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