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Scientist: There Could Be Many Other Humans in the Universe

Indo Pos Media,Cambridge – Imagine that once upon a time, humans were able to visit another world and there, they encountered creatures who were also humans. Such a theory according to scientists is possible.

Simon Conway Morris, an evolutionary expert from the University of Cambridge, said he quite believed that on other planets there might also be evolution like on Earth. Thus, perhaps creatures such as humans also appeared.

“It can be said with sufficient confidence that the possibility of something happening in line with how humans evolved is quite high,” he said as quoted by the media, Tuesday (11/23/2021).

“The number of potential planets that currently exist, even if it only occurs once in a hundred, still leads to the emergence of intelligent creatures scattered everywhere, which may be similar to us humans,” he explained.

In other words, evolution is a law of nature so that evolution that occurs on Earth can also appear in the same way on other planets. Thus, it is possible that there are many other humans in the universe, although currently it is still only a theory.

A similar opinion was once expressed by Arik Kershenbaum, an expert on living things. According to him if evolution is a mechanism for life, then it may not just appear on Earth.

“Since evolution is the mechanism for explaining life everywhere, the principles we know occur on Earth can also be applied throughout the universe,” he proposed.

“Alien civilizations before technology could have been singing, dancing and telling stories just like humans in ancient times because they were headed in the same direction,” he said.(Red)

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