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Science tells us that this particular winter discipline is a great ally of heart and brain

In winter there are many fun activities that are impossible to do in summer. These so-called outdoor activities are linked to the cold climate, snow, ice. For example, skiing, ice skating, bobsledding in the snow, etc. Unfortunately, in the last two years it has not been possible to practice these sports. Covid-related restrictions prevented most activities. This year with the arrival of the cold the winter season will be able to resume at full capacity.

Among all the outdoor winter activities, one in particular has significant benefits for the entire cardiovascular system and also for our mind. In fact, science tells us that this particular winter discipline is a great ally of heart and brain.

The fundamental benefits of constant physical activity

Sport and physical activity in general favor the well-being of a person and can be a valid prevention tool against some pathologies. For example, those who suffer from obesity have to do a lot of exercise.

Medicine advises those who are overweight to go for walks, maybe run, or ride a bicycle. The lack of physical activity can favor the onset of some pathologies. This is demonstrated by a study by Queen’s University with Ulster University in Belfast.

According to this research, an action that we all do regularly every day, if done repeatedly and continuously for more than six hours, promotes serious pathologies. We talk about it in this article: “Diabetes, cancer and heart disease are made easier by doing this for over 6 hours a day”.

Walking is one of the activities that most helps not only to keep fit and lose weight, but also as a form of prevention. Taking a walk every day helps keep blood pressure low and cholesterol in check. According to the World Health Organization, there are a precise number of steps that would contribute to giving numerous benefits to our body. This is the exact number of steps to take per day to easily lose weight, fight high blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

Science tells us that this particular winter discipline is a great ally of heart and brain

Skiing also offers significant benefits to our mind and body, especially cross-country skiing. This is theopinion by Professor Wolfgang Schoberberger, Director of the Innsbruck Institute for Sport and Tourism of Alpine Health and Medicine. According to Professor Schoberberger, cross-country skiing is good for man, for the body and also for the mind.

Cross-country skiing has benefits for the body for many reasons. The white color of the snowy landscape and the silence help our mind to free itself from stress and to be more creative. Furthermore, with cross-country skiing, muscle groups are stressed that are rarely used in everyday life. However, unlike running, this activity is less traumatic for the muscles and joints. Finally, cross-country skiing, if done regularly, helps to improve strength and endurance. In addition, benefits can be obtained for the cardiovascular system. And you can practice more easily than downhill skiing.


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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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