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Samsung surprised the world with the extraordinary invention of “Nona Cel” on the Galaxy S20 Ultra


GMT 14:56 06.02.2020Copy the link


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The South Korean company, Samsung, surprised the world by unveiling a totally new and extraordinary invention in its highly anticipated phone, the Galaxy S20 Ultra.

He explained Location GSM Technical Specialist that the new invention, prepared by Samsung, is a camera technology called “Noona Cell”.

The new patent will support camera technology that will shoot up to 108 megapixels, and will be in line with the quad cameras that supply it.Samsung“.

It is planned that this technology will work to avoid the inconsistency of the number of cameras, as it will collect all these cameras with a single precision, exceptionally high quality, exceptionally.

“Nona Cell” will also support the possibility of zooming in and out of the image more than 100 times, and a visual range of 10 times, without affecting the image quality.

The accuracy of the image magnification sensors will range from phone “Galaxy S 20 Ultra“Between 48 or 64 megapixels approximately.

The new technology will also work from Samsung phone Capture scenes with incredible detail and unprecedented true-to-life color, thanks to the ToF sensor that allows 3D shots to be captured.

The Galaxy S20 and Galaxy S20 Ultra will be launched at a global celebration on February 11.

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