Home » today » Business » Salinas Pliego assures that his Afore has delivered inactive funds to the IMSS

Salinas Pliego assures that his Afore has delivered inactive funds to the IMSS

Mexico City. The retirement fund manager (Afore) Azteca has transferred all the resources requested by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), said businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego, president of Grupo Salinas, controller of that Afore.

In the morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that the Salinas Group – also owner of TV Azteca – has a conflict of interest by questioning in its television news programs the initiative to create a Welfare Pension Fund and at the same time time refusing to deliver to the IMSS a part of the resources it manages in its Afore.

“What my friend the President mentioned today is a lie: Afore Azteca has transferred all of the resources requested by the IMSS in accordance with current regulations. These are the 19.7 million pesos mentioned today,” Salinas Pliego wrote in his X account.

López Obrador assured in his conference that the Afore Azteca has only returned 19 million pesos of the resources that by law are kept in the Afore of workers who have stopped contributing for more than ten years and that, according to the president, amount to a thousand 847 million pesos.

Salinas Pliego responded to this statement that the resources transferred by the Afore Azteca correspond to accounts of workers that the IMSS itself identifies with prescribed rights.

“The figures that the president indicates as not delivered to the IMSS have never been requested in accordance with the rules and procedures agreed upon between the IMSS and all the Afores. In summary, our Afore is in compliance. But the President is very angry and instead of calming down and working (even for the last four months), he continues saying things that are not true to defend the indefensible. Remember, President, that it is nothing personal and that whoever gets angry loses, especially “Everything if we start telling lies,” said the businessman.

In the middle of this week, TV Azteca news broadcasts reported that the initiative to transfer to a Welfare Pension Fund the inactive resources in the Afore of workers over 70 years of age (which are now transferred to the IMSS or the Issste ) implied “a robbery.”

President López Obrador himself has calculated that the inactive resources of workers over 70 years of age would reach 40 billion pesos. The bill, which will be voted on next Monday in the Chamber of Deputies, clearly provides that, even when they are transferred to the Welfare Pension Fund, the resources continue to belong to the worker or his heirs and they can claim them at any time. .

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– 2024-04-23 00:35:24

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