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Salary increases during the six-year term exceed those of past governments

Mexico City. The contractual salary increases in the current administration are the highest in the last four six-year terms, stated the Ministry of Labor. He indicated that currently salaries are 6.56 percent in nominal terms and 1.31 in real terms on average. He pointed out that during the six-year term of Vicente Fox the nominal increase was 5.87 percentage points and the real increase was 1.05; in Felipe Calderón’s case it was 4.47 nominal and 0.14 real and in Enrique Peña Nieto’s case it was 4.40 percent nominal and 0.36 real.

He pointed out that the wage recovery policy of the Government of Mexico not only allowed minimum wages to recover 110 percent of their purchasing power, but also had an impact on the increases recorded in contractual wages, which had the highest increases compared to the previous ones. mentioned periods.

“The increases achieved by the unions in salary increase negotiations with employers, reflected in the Collective Contracts of Federal Jurisdiction, allowed us to have the highest nominal and real increases since 2000.”

He reiterated that the increases achieved in this administration have occurred despite an adverse international panorama, with the Covid 19 pandemic and the increase in inflation resulting from the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

He added that contractual wage increases have had an average positive real increase over the last 18 months in the private sector. Some of the areas where there have been positive increases have been services, and they have been achieved by unions grouped in all labor centers.

The above, he said, is also a reflection of the union strength that resulted from the labor reform, where 30 thousand collective contracts have been legitimized, which implied the call to 5 million workers to decide with their personal, free, direct and secret vote their endorsement. That is, negotiations were achieved that have the real support of the beneficiary workers,

“To this must be added the increase in the minimum wage, of 116 percent in real terms, so that, as a whole, the income conditions of the country’s workers have remained positive and without generating inflation, unemployment and lack of investment.”

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– 2024-05-13 08:07:45

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