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Sacha Baron Cohen fools right-wing extremists

The comedian intoned a sing-along song at a rally in Washington State. The crowd cheerfully joined in racist and anti-Jewish tones.

On Saturday, the “Three Percenters” movement in Olympia, Washington State, on the right side of the Tea Party movement, called for a rally for arms rights for the third time since 2018. Around 500 people appeared with posters per Donald Trump and against wearing face masks as protection against Covid-19. Musicians played on a small stage (Link). Then a bearded man with a cowboy hat, red shirt and blue dungarees appeared and started singing a country way. The text had it all: The epidemic expert Dr. Anthony Fauci is in prison and should be injected with the “Wuhan flu”. Hillary Clinton as well and behind the “fake news” channel CNN are George Soros, the favorite enemy of right-wing conspiracy theorists right into the US Congress and the White House. The World Health Organization should be chopped up like the Saudis would.

Although the appearance on YouTube is tiring, the audience cheerfully sang along (Link). According to various reports, the organizers finally intervened, but were initially prevented from entering the stage by folders. Then the singer left the scene and finally it turned out that the “Three Percenters” had fallen for Sacha Baron Cohen (Link). The purpose of the appearance has remained obscure, but the comedian may have used material for his series “Who is America?” collected.

“Three Percenters” believe that a third of the colonists in the liberation war against the British were for independence; a third is said to be neutral and the last to have been royalist. And only three percent of Americans actually took arms for their freedom. The group feels attached to this mythical minority.

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