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S-file individual threatens to “blow up the police station”


Illustration image @WilliamPham

A man from file S was jailed after insulting and threatening police officers in Roanne, Loire on Sunday 23 October.

Already known to the police for having made remarks of a terrorist nature, over the weekend in Roanne there was again talk of an individual in his thirties. According to Progresswould have threatened to “plant a bomb to blow up the police station “ .

On the night of Friday 21 October, drunk, he went to the police station in the center after being attacked by several people. This individual, suffering from psychological problems, allegedly insulted the police before threatening to blow up the building. Transported to the hospital by the Roanne firefighters, he would later insult the staff.

Arrested holding a knife

The day after the incident at the police station, the 30-year-old was arrested by the carabinieri in possession of a knife on the streets of the city. By decision of the judge of freedoms and detention of Roanne, he will be tried in an immediate appearance on Wednesday 26 October in front of the court.

Read also: Near Lyon: the Raid mobilized for a man suspected of apologizing for terrorism

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